pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
// We keep the same basics as SnailFarm: hatch eggs into snails, buy or sell eggs for money.
// Hatching now comes with a small ETH cost.
// Your snails don't die anymore when you sell eggs.
// Referrals are gone.
// The formula for buying and selling eggs is simplified.
// Only a finite number of eggs is available for sale.
// This number is based on initial seed, and varies based on player buys and sells.
// Eggs sell for half of the current buy price.
// There is no more extra inflation tied to hatching.
// The ultimate goal of the game is the Snailmaster title.
// The reward is now a lump sum rather than a constant fee.
// To become Snailmaster, you need a certain number of snails.
// Once you take the Snailmaster title, you lose 90% of your snails.
// 20% of the snailpot is immediately paid out to the Snailmaster.
// When someone becomes the Snailmaster, a new round starts.
// The amount of snails required to claim the title increases with each new round.
// The amount of starting snails also increases by that same amount for new players.
// We introduce a new mechanic: the Ethertree.
// Every ETH added to the contract is split 50/50 between the snailpot and the treepot.
// Players can claim ETH from the ethertree through selling acorns.
// Players can buy acorns for twice their current price.
// (Half of the ETH goes in the snailpot, half of the ETH buys acorns at their going rate.)
// Players get a better rate on acorn buys if the current snailpot is under the previous snailpot.
// The price of acorns can only rise over time.
// We add three hot potato items: the SpiderQueen, the TadpolePrince, and the SquirrelDuke.
// Owning any of these boosts adds base hatch size to your hatch, cumulative.
// (With 2 boosts, you get 1+1+1 = 3 times the snails when you hatch your eggs.)
// The Tadpole Prince costs ETH, and rises by 20% with every buy.
// 10% goes to the previous holder, 5% goes to the snailpot, 5% to the treepot.
// The Spider Queen costs snails, this cost doubles with every buy.
// The Squirrel Duke costs acorns, this cost doubles with every buy.
contract SnailFarm2 {
using SafeMath for uint;
/* Event */
event SoldAcorn (address indexed seller, uint acorns, uint eth);
event BoughtAcorn (address indexed buyer, uint acorns, uint eth);
event BecameMaster (address indexed newmaster, uint indexed round, uint reward, uint pot);
event WithdrewEarnings (address indexed player, uint eth);
event Hatched (address indexed player, uint eggs, uint snails);
event SoldEgg (address indexed seller, uint eggs, uint eth);
event BoughtEgg (address indexed buyer, uint eggs, uint eth);
event StartedSnailing (address indexed player, uint indexed round);
event BecameQueen (address indexed newqueen, uint indexed round, uint newreq);
event BecameDuke (address indexed newduke, uint indexed round, uint newreq);
event BecamePrince (address indexed newprince, uint indexed round, uint newreq);
/* Constants */
uint256 public TIME_TO_HATCH_1SNAIL = 86400; //seconds in a day
uint256 public STARTING_SNAIL = 200;
uint256 public SNAILMASTER_INCREASE = 100000;
uint256 public STARTING_SNAIL_COST = 0.004 ether;
uint256 public HATCHING_COST = 0.0008 ether;
uint256 public SPIDER_BASE_REQ = 80;
uint256 public SPIDER_BOOST = 1;
uint256 public TADPOLE_BASE_REQ = 0.02 ether;
uint256 public TADPOLE_BOOST = 1;
uint256 public SQUIRREL_BASE_REQ = 1;
uint256 public SQUIRREL_BOOST = 1;
/* Variables */
//Becomes true one time to start the game
bool public gameStarted = false;
//Used to ensure a proper game start
address public gameOwner;
//Current round
uint256 public round = 0;
//Owners of hot potatoes
address public currentSpiderOwner;
address public currentTadpoleOwner;
address public currentSquirrelOwner;
//Current requirement for hot potatoes
uint256 public spiderReq;
uint256 public tadpoleReq;
uint256 public squirrelReq;
//Current requirement for snailmaster
uint256 public snailmasterReq = SNAILMASTER_INCREASE;
//Current amount of snails given to new players
uint256 public startingSnailAmount = STARTING_SNAIL;
//Current number of eggs for sale
uint256 public marketEggs;
//Current number of acorns in existence
uint256 public totalAcorns;
//Ether pots
uint256 public snailPot;
uint256 public previousSnailPot;
uint256 public treePot;
/* Mappings */
mapping (address => bool) public hasStartingSnails;
mapping (address => uint256) public hatcherySnail;
mapping (address => uint256) public claimedEggs;
mapping (address => uint256) public lastHatch;
mapping (address => uint256) public playerAcorns;
mapping (address => uint256) public playerEarnings;
mapping (address => uint256) public playerProdBoost;
/* Functions */
// Constructor
// Sets msg.sender as gameOwner for SeedMarket purposes
// Assigns all hot potatoes to gameOwner and sets his prodBoost accordingly
// (gameOwner is banned from playing the game)
constructor() public {
gameOwner = msg.sender;
currentTadpoleOwner = gameOwner;
currentSquirrelOwner = gameOwner;
currentSpiderOwner = gameOwner;
hasStartingSnails[gameOwner] = true; //prevents buying starting snails
playerProdBoost[gameOwner] = 4; //base+tadpole+squirrel+spider
// SeedMarket
// Sets eggs and acorns, funds the pot, starts the game
// 10000:1 ratio for _eggs:msg.value gives near parity with starting snails
// Recommended ratio = 5000:1
// Acorns can be any amount, the higher the better as we deal with integers
// Recommended value = 1000000
// 1% of the acorns are left without an owner
// This prevents an infinite acorn price rise,
// In the case of a complete acorn dump followed by egg buys
function SeedMarket(uint256 _eggs, uint256 _acorns) public payable {
require(msg.value > 0);
require(round == 0);
require(msg.sender == gameOwner);
marketEggs = _eggs.mul(TIME_TO_HATCH_1SNAIL); //for readability
snailPot = msg.value.div(10); //10% to the snailpot
treePot = msg.value.sub(snailPot); //remainder to the treepot
previousSnailPot = snailPot.mul(10); //encourage early acorn funding
totalAcorns = _acorns;
playerAcorns[msg.sender] = _acorns.mul(99).div(100);
spiderReq = SPIDER_BASE_REQ;
tadpoleReq = TADPOLE_BASE_REQ;
squirrelReq = SQUIRREL_BASE_REQ;
round = 1;
gameStarted = true;
// SellAcorns
// Takes a given amount of acorns, increases player ETH balance
function SellAcorns(uint256 _acorns) public {
require(playerAcorns[msg.sender] > 0);
playerAcorns[msg.sender] = playerAcorns[msg.sender].sub(_acorns);
uint256 _acornEth = ComputeAcornPrice().mul(_acorns);
totalAcorns = totalAcorns.sub(_acorns);
treePot = treePot.sub(_acornEth);
playerEarnings[msg.sender] = playerEarnings[msg.sender].add(_acornEth);
emit SoldAcorn(msg.sender, _acorns, _acornEth);
// BuyAcorns
// Takes a given amount of ETH, gives acorns in return
// If current snailpot is under previous snailpot, 3 acorns for the price of 4
// If current snailpot is equal or above, 1 acorn for the price of
function BuyAcorns() public payable {
require(msg.value > 0);
require(tx.origin == msg.sender);
if (snailPot < previousSnailPot) {
uint256 _acornBought = ((msg.value.div(ComputeAcornPrice())).mul(3)).div(4);
} else {
_acornBought = (msg.value.div(ComputeAcornPrice())).div(2);
totalAcorns = totalAcorns.add(_acornBought);
playerAcorns[msg.sender] = playerAcorns[msg.sender].add(_acornBought);
emit BoughtAcorn(msg.sender, _acornBought, msg.value);
// BecomeSnailmaster
// Gives out 20% of the snailpot and increments round for a snail sacrifice
// Increases Snailmaster requirement
// Resets Spider and Tadpole reqs to initial values
function BecomeSnailmaster() public {
require(hatcherySnail[msg.sender] >= snailmasterReq);
hatcherySnail[msg.sender] = hatcherySnail[msg.sender].div(10);
uint256 _snailReqIncrease = round.mul(SNAILMASTER_INCREASE);
snailmasterReq = snailmasterReq.add(_snailReqIncrease);
uint256 _startingSnailIncrease = round.mul(STARTING_SNAIL);
startingSnailAmount = startingSnailAmount.add(_startingSnailIncrease);
spiderReq = SPIDER_BASE_REQ;
tadpoleReq = TADPOLE_BASE_REQ;
squirrelReq = SQUIRREL_BASE_REQ;
previousSnailPot = snailPot;
uint256 _rewardSnailmaster = snailPot.div(5);
snailPot = snailPot.sub(_rewardSnailmaster);
playerEarnings[msg.sender] = playerEarnings[msg.sender].add(_rewardSnailmaster);
emit BecameMaster(msg.sender, round, _rewardSnailmaster, snailPot);
// WithdrawEarnings
// Withdraws all ETH earnings of a player to his wallet
function WithdrawEarnings() public {
require(playerEarnings[msg.sender] > 0);
uint _amount = playerEarnings[msg.sender];
playerEarnings[msg.sender] = 0;
emit WithdrewEarnings(msg.sender, _amount);
// PotSplit
// Splits value equally between the two pots
// Should be called each time ether is spent on the game
function PotSplit(uint256 _msgValue) private {
uint256 _potBoost = _msgValue.div(2);
snailPot = snailPot.add(_potBoost);
treePot = treePot.add(_potBoost);
// AcornPotSplit
// Gives one fourth to the snailpot, three fourths to the treepot
// Variant of PotSplit with a privileged rate
// Encourages pot funding with each new round
function AcornPotSplit(uint256 _msgValue) private {
uint256 _snailBoost = _msgValue.div(4);
uint256 _treeBoost = _msgValue.sub(_snailBoost);
snailPot = snailPot.add(_snailBoost);
treePot = treePot.add(_treeBoost);
// HatchEggs
// Hatches eggs into snails for a slight ETH cost
// If the player owns a hot potato, adjust prodBoost accordingly
function HatchEggs() public payable {
require(msg.value == HATCHING_COST);
uint256 eggsUsed = ComputeMyEggs();
uint256 newSnail = (eggsUsed.div(TIME_TO_HATCH_1SNAIL)).mul(playerProdBoost[msg.sender]);
claimedEggs[msg.sender]= 0;
lastHatch[msg.sender]= now;
hatcherySnail[msg.sender] = hatcherySnail[msg.sender].add(newSnail);
emit Hatched(msg.sender, eggsUsed, newSnail);
// SellEggs
// Sells current player eggs for ETH at a snail cost
// One fifth of the player's snails are killed
// Eggs sold are added to the market
function SellEggs() public {
uint256 eggsSold = ComputeMyEggs();
uint256 eggValue = ComputeSell(eggsSold);
claimedEggs[msg.sender] = 0;
lastHatch[msg.sender] = now;
marketEggs = marketEggs.add(eggsSold);
playerEarnings[msg.sender] = playerEarnings[msg.sender].add(eggValue);
emit SoldEgg(msg.sender, eggsSold, eggValue);
// BuyEggs
// Buy a calculated amount of eggs for a given amount of ETH
// Eggs bought are removed from the market
function BuyEggs() public payable {
require(hasStartingSnails[msg.sender] == true);
require(msg.sender != gameOwner);
uint256 eggsBought = ComputeBuy(msg.value);
marketEggs = marketEggs.sub(eggsBought);
claimedEggs[msg.sender] = claimedEggs[msg.sender].add(eggsBought);
emit BoughtEgg(msg.sender, eggsBought, msg.value);
// BuyStartingSnails
// Gives starting snails and sets playerProdBoost to 1
function BuyStartingSnails() public payable {
require(tx.origin == msg.sender);
require(hasStartingSnails[msg.sender] == false);
require(msg.value == STARTING_SNAIL_COST);
hasStartingSnails[msg.sender] = true;
lastHatch[msg.sender] = now;
playerProdBoost[msg.sender] = 1;
hatcherySnail[msg.sender] = startingSnailAmount;
emit StartedSnailing(msg.sender, round);
// BecomeSpiderQueen
// Increases playerProdBoost while held, obtained with a snail sacrifice
// Hot potato item, requirement doubles with every buy
function BecomeSpiderQueen() public {
require(hatcherySnail[msg.sender] >= spiderReq);
// Remove sacrificed snails, increase req
hatcherySnail[msg.sender] = hatcherySnail[msg.sender].sub(spiderReq);
spiderReq = spiderReq.mul(2);
// Lower prodBoost of old spider owner
playerProdBoost[currentSpiderOwner] = playerProdBoost[currentSpiderOwner].sub(SPIDER_BOOST);
// Give ownership to msg.sender, then increases his prodBoost
currentSpiderOwner = msg.sender;
playerProdBoost[currentSpiderOwner] = playerProdBoost[currentSpiderOwner].add(SPIDER_BOOST);
emit BecameQueen(msg.sender, round, spiderReq);
// BecomeSquirrelDuke
// Increases playerProdBoost while held, obtained with an acorn sacrifice
// Hot potato item, requirement doubles with every buy
function BecomeSquirrelDuke() public {
require(hasStartingSnails[msg.sender] == true);
require(playerAcorns[msg.sender] >= squirrelReq);
// Remove sacrificed acorns, change totalAcorns in consequence, increase req
playerAcorns[msg.sender] = playerAcorns[msg.sender].sub(squirrelReq);
totalAcorns = totalAcorns.sub(squirrelReq);
squirrelReq = squirrelReq.mul(2);
// Lower prodBoost of old squirrel owner
playerProdBoost[currentSquirrelOwner] = playerProdBoost[currentSquirrelOwner].sub(SQUIRREL_BOOST);
// Give ownership to msg.sender, then increases his prodBoost
currentSquirrelOwner = msg.sender;
playerProdBoost[currentSquirrelOwner] = playerProdBoost[currentSquirrelOwner].add(SQUIRREL_BOOST);
emit BecameDuke(msg.sender, round, squirrelReq);
// BecomeTadpolePrince
// Increases playerProdBoost while held, obtained with ETH
// Hot potato item, price increases by 20% with every buy
function BecomeTadpolePrince() public payable {
require(hasStartingSnails[msg.sender] == true);
require(msg.value >= tadpoleReq);
// If player sent more ETH than needed, refund excess to playerEarnings
if (msg.value > tadpoleReq) {
uint _excess = msg.value.sub(tadpoleReq);
playerEarnings[msg.sender] = playerEarnings[msg.sender].add(_excess);
// Calculate +10% from previous price
// Give result to the potsplit
uint _extra = tadpoleReq.div(12);
// Calculate 110% of previous price
// Give result to the previous owner
uint _previousFlip = tadpoleReq.mul(11).div(12);
playerEarnings[currentTadpoleOwner] = playerEarnings[currentTadpoleOwner].add(_previousFlip);
// Increase ETH required for next buy by 20%
tadpoleReq = (tadpoleReq.mul(6)).div(5);
// Lower prodBoost of old tadpole owner
playerProdBoost[currentTadpoleOwner] = playerProdBoost[currentTadpoleOwner].sub(TADPOLE_BOOST);
// Give ownership to msg.sender, then increase his prodBoost
currentTadpoleOwner = msg.sender;
playerProdBoost[currentTadpoleOwner] = playerProdBoost[currentTadpoleOwner].add(TADPOLE_BOOST);
emit BecamePrince(msg.sender, round, tadpoleReq);
// ComputeAcornPrice
// Returns the current ether value of one acorn
// Acorn price = treePot / totalAcorns
function ComputeAcornPrice() public view returns(uint256) {
return treePot.div(totalAcorns);
// ComputeSell
// Calculates ether value for a given amount of eggs being sold
// ETH = (eggs / (eggs + marketeggs)) * snailpot / 2
// A sale can never give more than half of the snailpot
function ComputeSell(uint256 eggspent) public view returns(uint256) {
uint256 _eggPool = eggspent.add(marketEggs);
uint256 _eggFactor = eggspent.mul(snailPot).div(_eggPool);
return _eggFactor.div(2);
// ComputeBuy
// Calculates number of eggs bought for a given amount of ether
// Eggs bought = ETH spent / (ETH spent + snailpot) * marketeggs
function ComputeBuy(uint256 ethspent) public view returns(uint256) {
uint256 _ethPool = ethspent.add(snailPot);
uint256 _ethFactor = ethspent.mul(marketEggs).div(_ethPool);
return _ethFactor;
// ComputeMyEggs
// Returns current player eggs
function ComputeMyEggs() public view returns(uint256) {
return claimedEggs[msg.sender].add(ComputeEggsSinceLastHatch(msg.sender));
// ComputeEggsSinceLastHatch
// Returns eggs produced since last hatch
function ComputeEggsSinceLastHatch(address adr) public view returns(uint256) {
uint256 secondsPassed = min(TIME_TO_HATCH_1SNAIL , now.sub(lastHatch[adr]));
return secondsPassed.mul(hatcherySnail[adr]);
// Helper function for CalculateEggsSinceLastHatch
// If a < b, return a
// Else, return b
function min(uint256 a, uint256 b) private pure returns (uint256) {
return a < b ? a : b;
// Gets
function GetMySnail() public view returns(uint256) {
return hatcherySnail[msg.sender];
function GetMyProd() public view returns(uint256) {
return playerProdBoost[msg.sender];
function GetMyEgg() public view returns(uint256) {
return ComputeMyEggs().div(TIME_TO_HATCH_1SNAIL);
function GetMyAcorn() public view returns(uint256) {
return playerAcorns[msg.sender];
function GetMyEarning() public view returns(uint256) {
return playerEarnings[msg.sender];
library SafeMath {
* @dev Multiplies two numbers, throws on overflow.
function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
if (a == 0) {
return 0;
uint256 c = a * b;
assert(c / a == b);
return c;
* @dev Integer division of two numbers, truncating the quotient.
function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
// assert(b > 0); // Solidity automatically throws when dividing by 0
uint256 c = a / b;
// assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold
return c;
* @dev Substracts two numbers, throws on overflow (i.e. if subtrahend is greater than minuend).
function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
assert(b <= a);
return a - b;
* @dev Adds two numbers, throws on overflow.
function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
uint256 c = a + b;
assert(c >= a);
return c;
"compilationTarget": {
"SnailFarm2.sol": "SnailFarm2"
"evmVersion": "byzantium",
"libraries": {},
"optimizer": {
"enabled": true,
"runs": 200
"remappings": []