If you ever have that one chance to make all your dreams come true, will you miss it for the world? I don't expect that your answer will be No. We dream a lot. I dream a whole lot. So much that, many times I forget it is daylight already.
On and on, I embraced the splendor of what I see and not let go. Until the sun begins to take a down turn and it's the end of another cycle of opportunity. I have dreamt all day - Daydreaming.
Then, I began to see the truth and I realized my error. Dreaming is dreaming, Daydreaming is too. The difference is what makes the big difference. You accomplish nothing in your dreams, that is why you have the sun to light your path on the way to working them out.
Now, I see the truth.
The truth about what is impossible.
I see that impossibility is nothing except the nomenclature of "what I just will not do".
I see the truth that says to me; obstacles don't exist. What exists is hesitation.
I see the truth that the peril of the Daydreamer is his own Contemplation.