I penned this image of Moe-tan and Bluemeow's friendship, and the FNDCommunity is a community that I love and feel safe in, like a family home for me. Since I saw the call for proposals, I have been thinking about what it would look like if I were to draw the two of them.
It seems that with the power of creativity, Bluemeow has also got a girl figure.
I wish them a bright future!
This work is an entry in the #FNDmoexFNDcommu art contest.
Moe-tan と Bluemeow の友情の形を想像してペンを走らせました。FNDCommunityは私にとって実家のような安心感のある、大好きなCommunityです。募集文を見たときから私が2人を描くとしたらどんな形になるか考えていました。
この作品は#FNDmoexFNDcommu art contest の応募作品です。