Look, in the sky
It's a sign of the times
We are together
Unity is Free/dom
// Inspired by:
As the crowds begin to witness the Eclipse in PRISMS, The Seeker takes witness on the total mass formation hypnosis that is happening before them. People dazed, and locked in to the event, seeing what their Prisms show them while believing they are seeing truth.
This is a reflective commentary on how during major world events, people in different groups believe they know all there is, when really, they only know what they've been told to know. With self-curating algos, and media heads with agendas, mass delusion is easy.
// Process:
AI, Compositing, Datamosh & glitch tools, Writing 80k+ words
Each work in this collection is encoded with a hidden package.
Collectors of the works will have the opportunity to decode the works, (don't worry, it's easy) and in return will directly receive the entire PRISMS book that I wrote as a .txt file.
Go to prisms-decoder.blac.ai to decode.