We face the borderland
The choice is ours
Yes, or No...
We already know...
//Inspired by:
There comes a point in PRISMS where The Seeker decides that the only way to fix their world, is to rebuild it. Through a timeless ether of self experience, they become the creator of all things. With this ability, comes choices, to reset, rebuild, and repeat.
This is a reflective commentary on the idea of a total reset of self. If you could, would you? The choice has already been made, and only you can answer that for yourself when presented with the question; Reset?
// Process:
AI, Compositing, Datamosh & glitch tools, Writing 80k+ words
Each work in this collection is encoded with a hidden package.
Collectors of the works will have the opportunity to decode the works, (don't worry, it's easy) and in return will directly receive the entire PRISMS book that I wrote as a .txt file.
Go to prisms-decoder.blac.ai to decode.