Just smile and nod
Accept your fate
Consent, consume
Agree and repeat.
// Inspired by:
In PRISMS, the society is desperate to consume the latest news, to feel like they know all there is to know. The believe what they're sold, as self-curated algos push narratives agreed upon by the masses. And why wouldn't you want to agree? Just conform, follow, accept and repeat.
This is a reflective commentary on our own culture that loves to be controlled. When corporations and establishments support your resistance narrative, you're not resisting anything. You're complying.
// Process:
AI, Compositing, Datamosh & glitch tools, Writing 80k+ words
Each work in this collection is encoded with a hidden package.
Collectors of the works will have the opportunity to decode the works, (don't worry, it's easy) and in return will directly receive the entire PRISMS book that I wrote as a .txt file.
Go to prisms-decoder.blac.ai to decode.