ABSTRACT<br> Dwarf celestial body displaying signs of past life<br> <br> GEOLOGY<br> The surface is characterized by mountains, valleys and plains. The mountains appear as big blocks of ice water, coated with snow. Long troughs and valleys give the landscape its unique character. The most prominent plains observed on the surface appear to be made of frozen nitrogen gas and show no craters.<br> <br> CLIMATE<br> Temperatures vary from minus 226 to minus 240 degrees Celsius. Extra humidity adds to the coolness of the area.<br> <br> LIFE FORMS<br> A few architectural constructions are distributed over the land in a scattered formation, suggesting the area has supported ancient life. It is possible that past hydrothermal activity such as ice volcano eruptions erased some large settlements. Extremely cold temperatures may likewise have contributed to the extinction of past civilizations. The architectural evidence encompasses trademarks of the Brutalist style in addition to unique illumination solutions, further supporting a hypothesis of terrestrial influence.<br> <br> SAMPLES<br> Raw concrete debris