Echo chambers, walls of sound
That trap us in a single ground
Where only voices we allow
Confirm the views we hold so proud
But is this really how we grow?
To shut out every voice we don't know
To surround ourselves with sameness
And never dare to try new things?
The hero's journey starts with a call
To leave the comfort of it all
To venture out and face the unknown
And see the world through eyes now shown
It's easy to stay in the same old place
To keep our views and never face
The challenge of a different view
But that's not how we're meant to do
So let's break out of these echo chambers
And venture beyond their borders
To see the world with fresh new eyes
And learn to truly realize
That life is more than what we see
That we must look beyond to be
The best version of ourselves we can
And build a life that's truly grand.