DareDream :
to hope for something that may be difficult or impossible to achieve; to have (or maintain) a positive attitude in the face of difficulties or setbacks
Having a dream that is unconventional to the society norm is lonely. Holding it closely and convincing yourself it’s possible is tough. The usual case is everyone around you would keep pulling the dreams from you, saying they care and just trying to “save you”. The truth is, they are convinced that you are incapable. It’s sad when something so dear to yourself, Art, is frowned upon by those whom you care about the most.
Thankfully, I've come peace to it. They will not shake me. I accept that it may be that some of them are genuinely trying to protect me from heartbreaks of failure. What they don’t know is I am Dare Dreamer. I dare to dream so I shall dare to make it reality.
“Believe in your dream and define yourself endlessly.”
― Debasish Mridha