The Secret Tsuka Society - Honor Medals

The Secret Tsuka Society - Honor Medals

0.01 ETH
9 件
3,895 版
9% 独特的所有者

The Secret Tsuka Society - Honor Medals 8

0.75 WETH
The Secret Tsuka Society
This egg will breed at a Tsuka value from 0.25$ to 0.35$. [The Interactive Breeding Station is Active. Please note that due to its nature it may take some time to load, as it is a complex WebGL application. So please be patient. However, your browser will cache the application and load much faster next time.] This petrified dragon egg was found in the farthest corners of the Himalayan mountains. It seems to be surrounded by a crystal-like material that we have never seen before. Every attempt to open the egg has failed so far, but we have found a way to open the eggs. Only the enormous power of the Dejiataru Tsuka is able to dissolve the petrification under its enormous heat and therefore to release the eggs from their thousands of years long sleep. We have developed a special device that uses the power of the Dejitaru Tsuka to melt the stone shell of the eggs. Once this dragon egg is sold, we open the valves and activate the burner. Over time, this egg will then change its appearance and the outer shell will melt - the egg will finally hatch. Essential for the egg to hatch is the burner temperature and pressure. You can read these values in real time from the NFT. For this purpose we have connected an instrument panel directly to the burner. As soon as the egg hatches it will be updated on our own smartcontract and all media will be transferred to the IPFS, so the hatched dragon will stay connected to the NFT forever. Do I get any benefits from the dragon egg? Yes, the current owner is considered by us as the guardian of the dragon, it is his responsibility to take care of the egg. For this, the Tsuka Society will provide the three guardians of the dragon with 10% of all income for the period of the breeding. As soon as the egg is hatched, this state expires and is replaced by a permanent airdrop of the medals. The current holder of the egg will receive every medal minted in the future in recognition of his service - forever. How does this work? With our servers, we obtain the current values of the Dejitaru Tsuka from the Ethereum blockchain at regular intervals. We use these values in our API server to accurately calculate the state of the eggs and then deliver the changed states of the eggs to the breeding station. We have developed our own WebGL application for the interactive and dynamic Breeding Station. WebGL runs on all browsers except the outdated Internet Explorer. Why the eggs? Dragons are beautiful majestic creatures and the Dejitaru Tsuka shows us this once again by its enormous strength. we as Tsuka holders and at the same time artists try to find ways in our own way to carry the message of the Dejitaru Tsuka into the world. We hope that the dragons will get a wonderful home in the amazing community of Tsuka. The guardians of the dragons will own the eggs but everyone in this community will be responsible for the hatching of those creatures.
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