My new collection *The Dark Side of Human Life* is rooted in my thoughts after going through one of the darkest periods of my life.
The need at this time for me is to transform chaos into beauty, into light, into a way out. *Supernova* is the work that most reflects this concept. Chaos generates the transformation of a man into a star, an entity shining with its own light. The subject is placed in the center of the composition, flanked by what are his demons and situated in a dark, swampy, macabre environment. The eye at the top represents the darkness and mother figure of man, from which he can never, truly, hide. The work is inspired by Nietzsche's *The Dancing Star* and his concept 'One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star'. Light and shadow, man placed at the center in search of the right balance.