Bennett Sawyer is the “Last Day Companion”.\
After nearly 13 years traveling the world as a contract killer, 36-year-old Bennett is utilizing his unique skill set to assist in killing the willing instead of the unwilling. His last job as a hitman had been botched and left him strung out and confused, suddenly wondering if his negative karmic balance was irredeemable. He had never thought too much about the state of his soul and most certainly never considered too closely the lives of his targets, but helping the hopeless might be what he needs to do to right his many wrongs.\
Now, he advertises himself as a for hire, one-day-only (generally the last day), ride-or-die. He does what he can to give each person exactly what they are looking for which means sometimes he is a best friend or a shoulder to cry on, but always a secret keeper. All this is done before he helps assist with their suicide. With his morally gray compass, Bennett is the ideal person to have there to help them reach their end goal should they decide to go through with it.\
However, unlike targeted kills, the pool of the willing is much smaller and his once booming business has slowed to a near stall. But what will happen when a mysterious woman who claims she can't die applies for his services? Perhaps there is a world he doesn't even know about, waiting to be tapped into.