### Overview
Our group will create and develop a comedic concept that combines 2-3 incongruent sub-genres, to be determined by the group. Through constructive discussion & ideation, Jess & Ian will guide the group as co-creative directors, distilling their collective brilliance into a solid written deliverable. And ideally, we will also develop custom artwork, design and music to accompany our story. This room will be a positive, constructive, supportive space that rewards critical thinking, honest dialog, introspection & enthusiasm. No topic will be off limits – however, every topic (and person) will be treated with reverence & respect. We seek open minds, open hearts & open arms. Freaks, weirdos, outcasts and absurdists are encouraged to join our band of high-minded jokers. We want to create a comfortable, welcoming mutual-admiration society where you’ll be unafraid to give your ideas life.