A big dark room with high ceilings and metal constructions on the sides. In the dim ambient light going from nowhere and everywhere at the same time you can see the people's silhouettes looking for their seats, whispering and chatting.
You are already sitting at your designated spot, waiting in the noisy yet peacefully calm hall. Echoes of this place escalate every little whisper into not distinctive rustle.
Suddenly even the mild light ambience goes off, leaving all of you for a few seconds in a complete darkness. After a while, the big front reflectors go on, fully illuminating the stage. The show is about to begin.
The name is "The NFT Yearbook Show", and it's not just yet another show about NFTs. It's an experience.
Here, you can rely on having fun. Every episode has a special new guest, somebody chosen by those before him. It's self-curated, ever evolving little organism reflecting the whole space, the world we all live in.
You can hear artists speak about their history, projects builders about their motivation, degens about their failures and achievements. You can hear everyone and anyone.
This is the place to be, to get to know them all. To hear the stories. To get a grasp of what this is all about.
This is The NFT Yearbook Show.