Artist: MUEO
In many mythologies, there is a goddess associated with spiritual creation and potential. This goddess embodies the power of manifestation and the potential for growth and transformation. She is often depicted as a wise and powerful figure, with a deep understanding of the inner workings of the universe. Her energy is nurturing and creative, and she inspires those who seek to tap into their own spiritual potential. Through her wisdom and guidance, she helps us to recognize our own power to create and shape our reality. The artwork that portrays this goddess captures the essence of her energy, inviting viewers to tap into their own potential for spiritual growth and transformation. It serves as a reminder that within each of us lies the power to create our own reality and shape our own destiny.
Artwork: [QmTRTZMuQe85g5GoQjEb38fgP1CogLdrwVEozhsX9Q3HEk](https://neort.mypinata.cloud/ipfs/QmTRTZMuQe85g5GoQjEb38fgP1CogLdrwVEozhsX9Q3HEk/goddess.mp4)
Website: [https://two.neort.io/artworks/mythic_future](https://two.neort.io/artworks/mythic_future)
Artist Link: [https://twitter.com/MueoArt](https://twitter.com/MueoArt)
License: [Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/)