Oil on canvas.
Like the mysterious entity called “I”
Cannot be located in the space-time continuum.
It is weightless, odorless, tasteless and undetectable by ordinary instruments.
Indeed, like the Ego, it is even possible to deny that it is there.
And yet, even more like the Ego
Once you are inside it
There doesn’t seem to be any way to ever get out again.
Until you suddenly discover
That it has been brought into existence by thought
And does not exist outside thought.
Everything you fear is waiting With slavering jaws
In Chapel Perilous.
But if you are armed with the wand of intuition
The cup of sympathy
The sword of reason
And the pentacle of valor
You will find there
(The legends say)
The Medicine of Metals
The Elixir of Life
The Philosopher’s Stone
True Wisdom
And Perfect Happiness.