On January 27, 2022 Opensea showed me and many other artists what it is capable of: dismantling our NFT collections in one fell swoop without warning.
Here was the Opensea Support tweet that sent us, artists, into a meltdown: https://twitter.com/opensea_support/status/1486651385793769477
On that day, VanArman, along with Dun, called me for an emergency artist talk, to discuss our next moves now that Opensea wouldn’t be allowing us to finish our collections using its tools. Many indie artists, myself and VanArman included had been using the tools on Opensea to create our collections.
That day was truly awful, as stories of artists poured in, detailing their experiencing of trying to mint more art in their NFT collections, but then getting blocked by Opensea from doing so. To me, the lack of warning was the most awful part of this experience. That day Opensea showed us all that they prioritize money over indie artists, just like how YouTube had cut out the indie creators, it appeared that Opensea was following in their footsteps. It’s a problem of too much money, too fast, and not enough thinking about the creators who aren’t big names. Also, they haven’t thought about managing spam and theft using advanced AI tools (which already exist).
But then Opensea reversed its decision in less than 24 hours: https://twitter.com/opensea/status/1486843201352716289?cxt=HHwWgsCq1fKAqqIpAAAA
Read the article from Artnews:
This CryptoStellas collection was launched using Opensea’s tools, and to be honest, even though I wanted to use my own contract, I didn’t yet have the tool for making it. This NFT marks the first one using Manifold, which is on my own contract, and has nothing to do with Opensea.
You can see the first part of this CryptoStellas Opensea collection here: https://opensea.io/collection/cryptostellas