Quantum Temple First Edition Passport

Quantum Temple First Edition Passport


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Quantum Temple First Edition Passport 287

First Edition Passport L1 Welcome to the First Edition of the QT passport, the regenerative traveler\'s roadmap. You\'ll be making a commitment to travel with intent as you claim your QT Passport, joining our mission to redefine travel and regenerate the world. Signing our Regenerative Traveler\'s Pledge, within the QT Passport, is the ultimate statement. The Regenerative Traveler\'s Pledge Regenerative tourism is built on a series of principles that work to leave a place better off than found. This pledge is my acknowledgment that regeneration is not a ‘should’ but a ‘must’ in the realm of travel. My signature cements that my efforts do not stop at sustainability. Instead, signing this pledge seals my commitment to seven actions that empower people and the planet to flourish. I pledge to:  1. Act with respect My actions will always be underpinned by a deep respect for others. I acknowledge that the places I am traveling to are homes to others, which deserve to be respected. I commit to consistently treating communities and the environment with the same care that I extend to my own home. 2. Vote with my wallet  I will choose to empower others through my spending choices. I will support local businesses at every given opportunity – be it choosing local restaurants, clothing or crafts. This means, I will seek out alternatives to large chains that feed into tourism leakage, whereby money leaves a country’s economy.   3. Educate myself I understand that a large part of regenerative tourism is rooted in education. I will take the time to better understand how my presence impacts a place and its people, and I will take active steps towards understanding a destination. This includes learning about a destination’s culture, values and customs.  4. Experience local culture In an effort to support the endurance and regeneration of living cultural heritage, I will engage with local culture in the destinations I encounter. I will seek out cultural experiences that are the most authentic representations of traditions, and engage with true cultural custodians. 5. Act intentionally  I recognize that traveling is a collaborative act. Even if I travel alone, I am aware that I will cross paths with travelers or locals, and move through different environments. Throughout every journey, I commit to being reflexive about my actions and to act collaboratively. 6. Hold myself accountable  I will always take accountability for my actions while traveling. This includes holding my hands up when I get something wrong and endeavoring to do better. I will approach each opportunity as a chance to learn about regenerative principles, and seek out ways to improve ecosystems. 7. Create a net-positive impact I recognize that traveling leaves a footprint and that steps need to be taken to off-set my actions. Going beyond mitigating the harm of my travel, I will actively make choices that help a place and its people flourish. This includes taking the time to do my research and understanding what a net-positive impact looks like in any given destination. This pledge marks my commitment to regenerative travel. Guided by the seven principles, I will set the benchmark for traveling with respect and intentionality to positively impact the world around me.
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