Brobel Design. In considering the phrase, “Building a Better Future,” the first word that jumped out at us was building. And what better captures the notion of building than Lego blocks? They’re simple, iconic, and timeless – not to mention just plain fun. They’re adored by generation after generation of children everywhere, and the future, of course, belongs to our children.
So a Lego-inspired theme became our starting point. Giving thought to what would make for a better future, we toyed (no pun intended!) with concepts like world peace and eradicating global hunger, but ultimately settled on the environment and taking care of Planet Earth. With that in mind, old technologies being replaced by cleaner, greener, and safer options seemed like a great approach. We’re happy with the result and are honored to be partnered with Time for this project. (And we sure have a whole new appreciation for the folks behind the Lego movies!) Steve Warner. There are two sides to every coin. What’s good for one group of people might not be so good for another. “Novus Ordo Seclorum” explores how to build a better future – not from the vantage point of the common citizen – but rather from that of a totalitarian regime. Inspired by Orwell’s fictional “1984” and a barrage of factual news stories gathered throughout 2020-2021, this tarot-themed artwork peers into the not-too-distant future to divine the foundations and machinations of the coming world order. Only by understanding the very real dangers that threaten our freedoms can we work together to build a better future.