Once upon a time, many eons ago, an Archangel abandoned Heaven. He donned plain tan robes, concealed his wings with a glamour, looped an axe through his belt, and just walked out. His leaving caused outrage among the Powers, and he was sought across the Worlds by his brethren in the Light for many ages, but he could not be found. Now he has been all but forgotten, save for those few loyal servants who still pray for his return.
Even had he explained, it is doubtful the other Archangels would have understood Raguel’s reason for leaving. In truth, he had become uneasy about the power his kind wielded, mistrustful of their supposed wisdom, disturbed by their sometimes-dismissive attitude to mortals. He wanted to experience the Worlds over which they reigned, to know their peoples, to understand different perspectives and worldviews. So now he travels the Multiverse as a mortal, seeking different types of wisdom with a quiet humility.
But he is not alone. Long ago upon his travels he acquired a faithful companion: Silens the Lynx, who walks by his side. Among the Worlds, the pair travel, speaking little, listening much. Maybe, if the prophecies are true, there will come a day of crisis, when the Powers of the Dark rise, and the last battle will be fought. Perhaps then the prodigal Archangel will uncloak his wings and be reconciled with Heaven and stand once more with his brothers against the enemy.