Uriel is a well-known and loved figure of folklore throughout the Multiverse. Paintings and carvings of him adorn many homes, rest houses, and inns. Popular representations of him take various forms: some depicting him with the torso of a man and the body of a horse, some as a man with the wings of a falcon, and he takes many other strange and wonderful shapes. But he is always depicted as a jovial, laughing figure and is usually shown holding a bow and arrow.
Though few folk-depictions are accurate, those of the winged man come closest, for the true Uriel is one of the Archangels of Heaven. His skin is a reddish brown, his hair black, his magnificent wings green and gold. The notion of Uriel as a cheerful, humorous character is correct – he is by far the most merry and social of the Powers of Light. He has made the world of Peleus his home, living among the centaurs of the rugged Eburnean Fells, where he and his fellows spend their days riding, hunting, singing, and storytelling.
But the day will come when Uriel will gather the centaurs into a mighty cavalry and will lead them in a laughing charge at the armies of the enemy. And perhaps the joyous laughter of Uriel is what the forces of the Dark fear most of all.