The human body and Soul are a universe of limitless potentialities.. When the kundalini awakenS. When wake up. Kundalini is a technology.
7 sleeperS’ sleep, could it be the awakening of kundalini? Could it be that by sleeping they were actually awakening? Could it be that the fire of life burned the most in their spine? Simultaneity?
Kundalini like snake venom, is characterised as a bitter medicine. It often takes pain to awaken. We are self-aware, conscious universes.
When did I wake up?
When will you wake up?
(In yoga, "Kundalini" is a spiritual energy known under various titles in many cultures such as "Shekinah" in mystical Judaism, "Sekhem" in Egypt, "Da Kan Li" in Taoism. Kundalini is the mysterious evolutionary energy in the human body and is a dormant, dormant potential power in the human organism.)
The majority of the brush strokeS in this artwork are the original versions created with traditional acrylic and oil paint on canvas. And the other brush strokes were created with variations of thousands of shades of hundreds of colours from Artist Su's own traditional artworks and digitised with Su's special technique. So,
‘WHEN KUNDALINI AWAKENS?’ is drawn and painted with Special techniqueS of Artist Su, which emerges with the unique dance of traditional and digital art.. love, SU🪶