A dynamic edition where all the editions are the same, but each one unique and different from the others at any given time. The dynamic changes are hardly perceptible, calling into question the reliability of memory, perception and the stability of identity. The PFP series uses neural networks and additive digital painting to explore the splintering of identity in digital environments. Here the neural net imagery is subject to constant change, generating a shifting and distributed identity. The edition was part of the exhibition RECOLLECTION. AI AND MEMORY, presented by EXPANDED.ART and The NFT Gallery in London and New York, 11 April - 13 May, 2023. It was also exhibited at the Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference in Seattle, June 2024. Full screen viewer: https://arweave.net/gPrjag0PzEO_9Rssaugphq86ViM6_mob6QtpVfqDu1U/