「SPACE SHIP'S CAT Zitto & Gatito」(スペースシップス・キャット ズィットとガティート)は、日本を代表する現代アーティストの一人であるヤノベケンジと、日本を代表するレゲエ・ミュージシャンである三木道三(DOZAN11)、そして国内外で活躍するVJ/ビジュアルアーティストである浅田真理(marimosphere)らによるプロジェクトです。
"SPACE SHIP'S CAT Zitto & Gatito" is a project by Kenji Yanobe, one of Japan's leading contemporary artists, MIKIDOZAN (DOZAN11), one of Japan's leading reggae musicians, and Mari Asada (marimosphere), a VJ/visual artist active both in Japan and abroad.
This project will develop video, NFT art, and contemporary art works based on a musical picture book.
MIKIDOZAN, who is the founder, took charge of the story-writing, composing, and singing. Kenji Yanobe created the original drawings that focuses on the cat character, which plays an important role in his own sculptural works. And Mari Asada created a music video based on Kenji Yanobe's original drawings and MIKIDOZAN's music, and provided creative direction for NFT art variations.