AESTHETIA, a fictional realm where Nabila’s beauty characters reside. Aesthetia is a storytelling art collection affirming and promoting diverse beauty and expression. Aesthetians are a people of diverse beauty who live to express and adorn themselves.
Aesthetia is a realm of aesthetics, a melting pot where beauty and art intertwine. The people of Aesthetia believe in the beauty of all. They embrace all kinds of beauty and live to adorn themselves. The Aesthetians believed in love, acceptance, confidence, and expression. They were diverse people who believed in the beauty of diversity and expression through adornment. Aesthetia was the most beautiful place to be in its time, a melting pot of creativity.
However, the story of AESTHETIA was not all beautiful. At the height of Aesthetia's reign, a group known as the Shadovale, led by a man named Zyron, instigated an uprising that changed the future of AESTHETIA forever.
Aesthetian Beauties is a digital collection created by Nabila Ibrahim. It is a generative art recreation of her digitally hand-drawn 100 portraits titled Aesthetia Beauties, from her ongoing 1,000 portrait collection.
Aesthetian Beauties is Nabila’s first art collection that merges traditional art with generative art technology. With this collection, Nabila combines 100 hand-drawn portraits from Aesthetia Beauties with AI generative art technology. Image-to-prompt techniques are used to create a diverse range of fictional characters that further Nabila’s message that beauty is diverse.