- Movie theaters, churches, warehouses, malls, supermarkets, gyms, Nordstroms, Macys, Walmarts, Targets, McDonalds
- America excels at copying what works
- & pasting it across every suburb and population center
Consumer Culture
- While high fashion & culture may start in coastal cities NYC/LA etc
- Consumer suburb culture found its way to film
- 1 key: it's relatable to a wide audience
- The 'Burbs (1989), American Beauty (1999), Mall Rats (1995)
A culture of CTRL C CTRL V
- No matter what state, or even what suburb in a given state
- You count on same brands, same parking lot style, same building layouts
- Walk into grocery, produce first, then meat & fish, onward to endless rows of cereal & snacks & coffee, end frozen
But in this culture of sameness
- We find comfort, common threads tying us together
- And each place may have its own flair ... but perhaps the flair is CTRL C CTRL V as well