El título 'Roy Batty’s corridors' hace referencia a Roy Batty, el replicante de la película 'Blade Runner', y de forma transitiva a Ridley Scott y el uso de la luz en sus películas. Este concepto evoca corredores reales, pasillos entre habitaciones, como los corredores de nuestra mente, por donde deambulamos e incluso nos perdemos.
Los corredores de luces y sombras por donde deambuló Roy Batty, sabiendo que le quedaba poco tiempo de existencia, son una metáfora de nuestra vida. Un trazo apenas visible entre todo lo no explorado que pudo ser. Una habitación a oscuras parcialmente iluminada por la luz que viene del exterior. Trazos, luces y sombras, reales o imaginarias, creadas por nuestras angustias, dan forma y/o distorcionan la escena, haciendo manifiesto que lo importante no es solo lo que se ve, sino también lo que permanece oculto.
'Todos estos momentos se perderán como lágrimas en la lluvia', dijo Roy Batty.
Si esta frase improvisada por Rutger Hauer nos llega tan profundo, es probablemente porque todos, en mayor o menor medida, hemos deambulado por esos corredores. Aunque desconocemos el momento exacto de nuestro final, su inevitable aproximación es la única certeza. No podemos huir de esta realidad, ni siquiera al buscar en nuestros recuerdos, donde no encontramos ese momento anhelado al que quisiéramos volver. Esto nos confronta con el devastador sinsentido, lo que queda no será distinto de lo que ya hemos vivido; no habrá un lugar mejor. Lo que forma una contradicción con la esperanza y la curiosidad por descubrir qué nos depara el futuro.
The title 'Roy Batty’s corridors' refers to Roy Batty, the replicant from the movie 'Blade Runner', and transitively to Ridley Scott and his use of light in his films. This concept evokes real corridors, hallways between rooms, like the corridors of our mind, where we wander and even get lost.
The corridors of lights and shadows through which Roy Batty wandered, aware that his time of existence was running short, are a metaphor for our life. A brushstroke barely visible among everything unexplored that could have been. A room dimly lit by the light coming from outside. Strokes, lights, and shadows, real or imaginary, created by our anxieties, shape and/or distort the scene, making it clear that what matters is not only what is seen but also what remains hidden.
'All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in the rain,' said Roy Batty.
If this line improvised by Rutger Hauer touches us so deeply, it's probably because all of us, to a greater or lesser extent, have wandered through those corridors. Although we do not know the exact moment of our end, its inevitable approach is the only certainty. We cannot escape this reality, not even by searching in our memories, where we fail to find that longed-for moment to which we wish to return. This confronts us with the devastating nonsense, what remains will not be different from what we have already lived; there will be no better place. This forms a contradiction with the hope and curiosity to discover what the future holds for us.
How terribly absurd it is to be alive. – Sin tu latido, Luis Eduardo Aute.
Faced with the demons, addicted to hearin' victims screamin
Guess we was evil since birth, product of cursed semens
Keep yo' head up and try to keep the faith and pray for better days.
– Better Dayz, Tupac Shakur
During the months working on this project, a great source of motivation were the people working with plotters, especially Licia He and Cory Haber.
Thank you to the entire community, artists, and collectors, for all your support over these years. In all those dark hours/nights, there has always been someone who believed in me more than I did myself.
This project is inspired by the works of Piter Pasma and heavily based on the articles of Inigo Quilez.
This project was created using SDFs, ray marching, and Poisson disk sampling. It has been tested on Chrome and Firefox.
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- Press s to get a PNG file
- Press S to get a SVG file
Artwork by x0y0z0 @x0y0z0tn (2024)