This sound collage is a merging of voices from BanklessDAO community calls
Listen closely and you'll hear voices of some of the DAO's most passionate contributors from day 0
My first Bankless community call was my first true DAO experience
I had never felt anything like it.
Community…Chaos. ANONs, Crypto Natives, Rebelious hopefuls.
All gathering in Discord at some kind of sci-fi decentralized watering hole
Highlights include Nonsense talking about our beloved DEGEN bot thrown in Discord jail, echoes from Frogmonkee discussing the first season, JENetics announcing the launch of Ultrasound Merch, our Minister of Hype Michael Wong heating up the crowd, Crypto Bushi telling us about his first NFT offering and many more voices of the community.
BanklessDAO holds a historic place in the space as a whole and I hope this captures some of the people-powered magic that runs through it all.
- Sinjun
Animation by Crypto Bushi