The symbol has very ancient origins.
It is represented by two intertwined triangles, one facing one up and the other down, which represent the spiritual part of man in the upper triangle and the animal part of man or the instincts in the lower triangle.
"As in heaven so on earth"
The symbol is associated with the chakras which are the description of the vital and energy points of man. They coincide with the nerve points along the spine and have the function of conveying the body's psychic energy.
Lower Triangle
1 Muladhara chakra - "root chakra" color Red
2 Svadhistana chakra - “splenic chakra” color Orange
3 chakra Manipura - "solar plexus chakra" color Yellow
Upper triangle
4 chakra Anahata - "heart chakra" color Green
5 Vishuddha chakra - "throat chakra" color Blue
6 chakra Ajna - "third eye chakra" color Indigo
The harmonious development of the lower triangle and the upper triangle opens the way to the
7 Sahasrara chakra - “crown chakra” color Violet