This is the sixth painting in a limited series detailing the college life of thr33zi3s. As the darkness that surrounded him lifted, young thr33zi3s found a renewed focus. Each step, every breath, every moment under the sun would be a celebration of all that was possible. And, so, he remained with the Carmelites as his strength returned and his lost spirt was born anew. A Coll3g3 Y3ars Insert, this limited edition was originally dropped as the Final Four Consolation Brack3t prize for 2024 Grotto Madn3ss. Digital capture of original painting, gouache on vintage baseball card, 2024. NFThr33 image is for personal use, no commercial rights are granted. Twitter @thr33som3s and IG @thr33somes to see upcoming cards and new series. All thr33som3s have future utility.