Once upon a time, there was a land where magical creatures lived. The creatures were so magical that they could make anything happen. They could make the sun rise and set, the stars twinkle, and the moon glow. They could make the trees grow tall and the flowers bloom.The creatures were so magical that they could make anything happen. One day, they decided to make a Christmas tree. They took some of the most magical things in the world and put them on the tree. They put a star on the top of the tree, and it glowed so bright that it lit up the whole world. Then they put presents under the tree for all the children in the world.The next day, when the children woke up, they ran to the tree to see what the creatures had done. They were so excited! They had never seen anything like it before. They thanked the creatures and promised to always be good. And they lived happily ever after. Fantastical Creatures is a collaborations of nine top artists including TW: TormanJeremy, luciddreamnf1, makeitrad1, thehackettman, scor64pio, Sandytoes2211, sundog_art, illustrata_ai, KskeetP