The fantastical creatures in this story are magical and can do anything they want. They live in a world where everything is possible and nothing is impossible. They can fly, they can breathe fire, they can turn into other creatures, they can make themselves invisible, they can walk through walls, they can travel through time, they can read minds, they can control the weather, they can make things happen just by thinking about them, they can talk to animals, they can make plants grow, they can make it rain, they can make the sun shine, they can make the stars twinkle, they can make the moon change shape, they can make the wind blow, they can make waves on the ocean, they can make volcanoes erupt, they can make earthquakes happen, they can do anything they want! Fantastical Creatures is a collaborations of nine top artists including TW: TormanJeremy, luciddreamnf1, makeitrad1, thehackettman, scor64pio, Sandytoes2211, sundog_art, illustrata_ai, KskeetP