Casey Kauffmann
So Nasty and So Rude
video collage
1920 x 1080
So Nasty and So Rude is a video collage work addressing expressions of femme-coded rage and the contemporary performance of self within the context of reality television and social media. This work uses these aesthetics of surface material alongside natural disaster and violence to subvert attachments of emotive representations of femme identity to frivolity, revealing a more thoughtful and sinister reality. So Nasty and So Rude recontextualizes these images of women unapologetically expressing heightened often theatrical emotion, anger, and sexuality as an act of subversion and resistance.
This is a guest artist mint on thr33som3s' $pepe minter contract. As such, it lives in the thr33som3s Universe and is afforded the same commitment as a thr33som3s piece: all thr33som3s have Future Utility. Over time, metadata may change to reveal its expanding Utility.