this NFT tells a story of survival
13 yrs ago I was attacked in a home invasion I was struck in the left-hand side of my head with a claw hammer. I survived. 12 days in a coma awoke do a different existence
The images of a man shattered, put back together represents that damage
My theory is damage the done to synapses in the left side of my brain, whose chemicals with nowhere to go flooded the right side that controls the creative energy, the artist soul. images you see of synapses firing represent that damage a regrowth
With TBIs the symptoms are the same as one had a stroke. Mine loss of the use of my right hand most of the feeling of my right side of my body. not natively left-handed ive adapted and thrived. I create all of my art, photography everything creative with non-dominant hand
The images you see of community and people in a metaverse represents all of you of the NFT community believed in me accepted me encourage me to stay creative and to never give up