Albert Hofmann
"...4/19/43 4:20 PM: Oral 0.5 cc 1/2 ppm diethylamide tartrate solution = 0.25 mg tartrate. Diluted with approximately 10 cc of water. No taste.
17:00: Dizziness, anxiety, visual distortions, symptoms of paralysis, desire to laugh.
Addendum from 21.04:
Went home on a bike. 18:00 - approx. 20:00 the most severe crisis. (See special report).
This is where the notes in my lab journal break off. I could only write the last words with great effort. It was now clear to me that LSD was the cause of the amazing occurrence on the previous Friday, for the changes in perception were the same as before, only stronger. I had to strain to speak coherently. I asked my laboratory assistant, who was informed about the experiment, to walk me home. We went by bike as there was no car due to wartime restrictions. On the way home, my condition began to take on threatening forms. Everything in my field of vision trembled and distorted, as if in a distorted mirror. I also had the feeling that we couldn't move. However, my assistant told me later that we were going very fast. ..."