"Baru Cert is of Bacaabian origin and serves as an Ambassadors* for the Lixua Intelligence, who are deployed when there is a Tangle-related issue to address or investigate. Due to the nature of their work, little is known about Ambassador Cert. Even more so since an LI Ambassador hasn't been seen outside of Alpha Intari for many decades. Surprisingly, it has recently been reported that Ambassador Cert is investigating a violation of Tangle Code 6813-A in the Terran Patch.
*Ambassadors have full Tangle access, which gives them a number of advantages when doing their work, particularly when it evolves into something more serious. Not all of these advantages are known but witnesses have reported that Ambassadors themselves are Tangle-sensitive and able to utilize or weaponize it for their own means. This claim is often derided, as it is an anathema in a galaxy-wide culture that looks down on personal use of the Tangle that is outside of the Tangle Transport Network." -Tanglepedia ref. 622.7c