"Modern Marvel"
The base power source component that all CHROMEWARE relies upon, Internal Power Unit replaces the human heart with a mini-nuke reactor. Capable of powering mechsuits, techsuits, Mega Man suits, power armor, Tony Stark, Halo 1, Halo 2, etc.
Before powering up, player must do 100 Crunches to kickstart the internal reactor- akin to crank starting a lawnmower. 100% of equipped creatures get cancer within 30 days of implantation.
But it's worth it cuz they can wallrun and do flips.
Stark... Tony Stark: Select a biological/humanoid creature to implant Internal Power Unit (IPU) into.
Increase STR to 8;
Increase DMG dealt by 200;
Must kick-start the nuclear engine- do 100 crunches and wait one (1) turn. This must be done before you can utilize the buffs. Suspend play while crunching.
Susceptible to EMP & electric attacks--creature becomes 'robot' type.
Weak Point: Any firearm critical hits cause instant death- BOOM!