"Paspookada Madoo! You're hexed now! Haha!"
Diameter: 1.5" PVC pipe
Tip: Epoxy crystal tip, connected to Mobius coil
Features: iWizard App connectivity (Chakra Detector, Daily Horoscopes, e-Book of Spells)
Marketed to fans of the Harry Potter metaverse, Power Wand is neither a true thaumaturgical appliance nor is it imbued with more than an infinitesimal amount of magicka (though it is, legally, magickal). The iWizard App is startlingly convincing though-both the Chakra Detector and Relatable Daily Horoscope are said to 'feel real' to users.
(They have what you don't: Faith.)
Power Wand owners believe that with their wand, they can cast deadly hexes, start oil wars, and break up celebrity couples that 'aren't a match'. Are you brave enough to tell them it's make-believe?
Hufflepuff's Hex: Ancient energy flows from your novelty wand, holy shit man it's real. It's actually real.
No effect.
*Offering this want to an enemy Rainbow Riot or The Hive creature will win them over to your hand.