Leader of the elite special forces unit that specialized in undercover infiltration and espionage. Even before all males in the military were wiped out, Sevora was in command of a 4 man team, the other 3 of which were males. When the virus took hold of them, she could only watch in horror as all three of them took their own lives in front of her after hearing reports of what would be soon to follow with their “mutation.”
Being left alone, inside enemy lines with her 3 closest companions lying lifeless in a pool of blood around her, she had to make her escape, taking all of her rage out on any newly turned zombie with a burning rage. When she returned home to eventually create the new ZAF Vortex Unit, with Nikita and Talis as her primary front line squad, with Nikita providing sniper cover from afar. Her once positive and inspiring energy, was now locked away. In its place, an obsessive dedication to avenging her fallen comrades and a ruthless efficiency in tactical infiltration and destruction via commanding the deadliest strike force the world has ever known.