文件 1 的 1:TokenCapacitor.sol
pragma solidity 0.5.11;
pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2;
library SafeMath {
function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
if (a == 0) {
return 0;
uint256 c = a * b;
require(c / a == b);
return c;
function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
require(b > 0);
uint256 c = a / b;
return c;
function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
require(b <= a);
uint256 c = a - b;
return c;
function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
uint256 c = a + b;
require(c >= a);
return c;
function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
require(b != 0);
return a % b;
contract ParameterStore {
event ProposalCreated(
uint256 proposalID,
address indexed proposer,
uint256 requestID,
string key,
bytes32 value,
bytes metadataHash
event Initialized();
event ParameterSet(string name, bytes32 key, bytes32 value);
event ProposalAccepted(uint256 proposalID, string key, bytes32 value);
using SafeMath for uint256;
address owner;
bool public initialized;
mapping(bytes32 => bytes32) public params;
struct Proposal {
address gatekeeper;
uint256 requestID;
string key;
bytes32 value;
bytes metadataHash;
bool executed;
Proposal[] public proposals;
constructor(string[] memory _names, bytes32[] memory _values) public {
owner = msg.sender;
require(_names.length == _values.length, "All inputs must have the same length");
for (uint i = 0; i < _names.length; i++) {
string memory name = _names[i];
set(name, _values[i]);
function init() public {
require(msg.sender == owner, "Only the owner can initialize the ParameterStore");
require(initialized == false, "Contract has already been initialized");
initialized = true;
require(getAsAddress("gatekeeperAddress") != address(0), "Missing gatekeeper");
emit Initialized();
function get(string memory _name) public view returns (bytes32 value) {
require(initialized, "Contract has not yet been initialized");
return params[keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_name))];
function getAsUint(string memory _name) public view returns(uint256) {
bytes32 value = get(_name);
return uint256(value);
function getAsAddress(string memory _name) public view returns (address) {
bytes32 value = get(_name);
return address(uint256(value));
function set(string memory _name, bytes32 _value) private {
bytes32 key = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_name));
params[key] = _value;
emit ParameterSet(_name, key, _value);
function setInitialValue(string memory _name, bytes32 _value) public {
require(msg.sender == owner, "Only the owner can set initial values");
require(initialized == false, "Cannot set values after initialization");
set(_name, _value);
function _createProposal(Gatekeeper gatekeeper, string memory key, bytes32 value, bytes memory metadataHash) internal returns(uint256) {
require(metadataHash.length > 0, "metadataHash cannot be empty");
Proposal memory p = Proposal({
gatekeeper: address(gatekeeper),
requestID: 0,
key: key,
value: value,
metadataHash: metadataHash,
executed: false
uint requestID = gatekeeper.requestPermission(metadataHash);
p.requestID = requestID;
uint proposalID = proposalCount();
emit ProposalCreated(proposalID, msg.sender, requestID, key, value, metadataHash);
return proposalID;
function createProposal(string calldata key, bytes32 value, bytes calldata metadataHash) external returns(uint256) {
require(initialized, "Contract has not yet been initialized");
Gatekeeper gatekeeper = _gatekeeper();
return _createProposal(gatekeeper, key, value, metadataHash);
function createManyProposals(
string[] calldata keys,
bytes32[] calldata values,
bytes[] calldata metadataHashes
) external {
require(initialized, "Contract has not yet been initialized");
keys.length == values.length && values.length == metadataHashes.length,
"All inputs must have the same length"
Gatekeeper gatekeeper = _gatekeeper();
for (uint i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
string memory key = keys[i];
bytes32 value = values[i];
bytes memory metadataHash = metadataHashes[i];
_createProposal(gatekeeper, key, value, metadataHash);
function setValue(uint256 proposalID) public returns(bool) {
require(proposalID < proposalCount(), "Invalid proposalID");
require(initialized, "Contract has not yet been initialized");
Proposal memory p = proposals[proposalID];
Gatekeeper gatekeeper = Gatekeeper(p.gatekeeper);
require(gatekeeper.hasPermission(p.requestID), "Proposal has not been approved");
require(p.executed == false, "Proposal already executed");
proposals[proposalID].executed = true;
set(p.key, p.value);
emit ProposalAccepted(proposalID, p.key, p.value);
return true;
function proposalCount() public view returns(uint256) {
return proposals.length;
function _gatekeeper() private view returns(Gatekeeper) {
address gatekeeperAddress = getAsAddress("gatekeeperAddress");
require(gatekeeperAddress != address(0), "Missing gatekeeper");
return Gatekeeper(gatekeeperAddress);
interface IDonationReceiver {
event Donation(address indexed payer, address indexed donor, uint numTokens, bytes metadataHash);
function donate(address donor, uint tokens, bytes calldata metadataHash) external returns(bool);
interface IERC20 {
function transfer(address to, uint256 value) external returns (bool);
function approve(address spender, uint256 value) external returns (bool);
function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 value) external returns (bool);
function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256);
function balanceOf(address who) external view returns (uint256);
function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256);
event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value);
event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value);
contract Gatekeeper {
event PermissionRequested(
uint256 indexed epochNumber,
address indexed resource,
uint requestID,
bytes metadataHash
event SlateCreated(uint slateID, address indexed recommender, uint[] requestIDs, bytes metadataHash);
event SlateStaked(uint slateID, address indexed staker, uint numTokens);
event VotingTokensDeposited(address indexed voter, uint numTokens);
event VotingTokensWithdrawn(address indexed voter, uint numTokens);
event VotingRightsDelegated(address indexed voter, address delegate);
event BallotCommitted(
uint indexed epochNumber,
address indexed committer,
address indexed voter,
uint numTokens,
bytes32 commitHash
event BallotRevealed(uint indexed epochNumber, address indexed voter, uint numTokens);
event ContestAutomaticallyFinalized(
uint256 indexed epochNumber,
address indexed resource,
uint256 winningSlate
event ContestFinalizedWithoutWinner(uint indexed epochNumber, address indexed resource);
event VoteFinalized(
uint indexed epochNumber,
address indexed resource,
uint winningSlate,
uint winnerVotes,
uint totalVotes
event VoteFailed(
uint indexed epochNumber,
address indexed resource,
uint leadingSlate,
uint leaderVotes,
uint runnerUpSlate,
uint runnerUpVotes,
uint totalVotes
event RunoffFinalized(
uint indexed epochNumber,
address indexed resource,
uint winningSlate,
uint winnerVotes,
uint losingSlate,
uint loserVotes
event StakeWithdrawn(uint slateID, address indexed staker, uint numTokens);
using SafeMath for uint256;
uint constant ONE_WEEK = 604800;
uint public startTime;
uint public constant EPOCH_LENGTH = ONE_WEEK * 13;
uint public constant COMMIT_PERIOD_START = ONE_WEEK * 11;
uint public constant REVEAL_PERIOD_START = ONE_WEEK * 12;
ParameterStore public parameters;
IERC20 public token;
struct Request {
bytes metadataHash;
address resource;
bool approved;
uint expirationTime;
uint epochNumber;
Request[] public requests;
enum SlateStatus {
struct Slate {
address recommender;
bytes metadataHash;
mapping(uint => bool) requestIncluded;
uint[] requests;
SlateStatus status;
address staker;
uint stake;
uint256 epochNumber;
address resource;
Slate[] public slates;
mapping(address => uint) public voteTokenBalance;
mapping(address => address) public delegate;
struct VoteCommitment {
bytes32 commitHash;
uint numTokens;
bool committed;
bool revealed;
struct SlateVotes {
uint firstChoiceVotes;
mapping(uint => uint) secondChoiceVotes;
uint totalSecondChoiceVotes;
enum ContestStatus {
struct Contest {
ContestStatus status;
uint[] slates;
uint[] stakedSlates;
uint256 lastStaked;
mapping(uint => SlateVotes) votes;
uint256 stakesDonated;
uint voteLeader;
uint voteRunnerUp;
uint256 leaderVotes;
uint256 runnerUpVotes;
uint256 totalVotes;
uint winner;
mapping(address => address) public incumbent;
struct Ballot {
mapping(address => Contest) contests;
bool created;
mapping(address => VoteCommitment) commitments;
mapping(uint => Ballot) public ballots;
constructor(uint _startTime, ParameterStore _parameters, IERC20 _token) public {
require(address(_parameters) != address(0), "Parameter store address cannot be zero");
parameters = _parameters;
require(address(_token) != address(0), "Token address cannot be zero");
token = _token;
startTime = _startTime;
function currentEpochNumber() public view returns(uint) {
uint elapsed = now.sub(startTime);
uint epoch = elapsed.div(EPOCH_LENGTH);
return epoch;
function epochStart(uint256 epoch) public view returns(uint) {
return startTime.add(EPOCH_LENGTH.mul(epoch));
function recommendSlate(
address resource,
uint[] memory requestIDs,
bytes memory metadataHash
public returns(uint)
require(isCurrentGatekeeper(), "Not current gatekeeper");
require(slateSubmissionPeriodActive(resource), "Submission period not active");
require(metadataHash.length > 0, "metadataHash cannot be empty");
uint256 epochNumber = currentEpochNumber();
Slate memory s = Slate({
recommender: msg.sender,
metadataHash: metadataHash,
requests: requestIDs,
status: SlateStatus.Unstaked,
staker: address(0),
stake: 0,
epochNumber: epochNumber,
resource: resource
uint slateID = slateCount();
for (uint i = 0; i < requestIDs.length; i++) {
uint requestID = requestIDs[i];
require(requestID < requestCount(), "Invalid requestID");
Request memory r = requests[requestID];
require(r.resource == resource, "Resource does not match");
require(r.epochNumber == epochNumber, "Invalid epoch");
require(slates[slateID].requestIncluded[requestID] == false, "Duplicate requests are not allowed");
slates[slateID].requestIncluded[requestID] = true;
emit SlateCreated(slateID, msg.sender, requestIDs, metadataHash);
return slateID;
function slateRequests(uint slateID) public view returns(uint[] memory) {
return slates[slateID].requests;
function stakeTokens(uint slateID) public returns(bool) {
require(isCurrentGatekeeper(), "Not current gatekeeper");
require(slateID < slateCount(), "No slate exists with that slateID");
require(slates[slateID].status == SlateStatus.Unstaked, "Slate has already been staked");
address staker = msg.sender;
uint stakeAmount = parameters.getAsUint("slateStakeAmount");
require(token.balanceOf(staker) >= stakeAmount, "Insufficient token balance");
Slate storage slate = slates[slateID];
require(slateSubmissionPeriodActive(slate.resource), "Submission period not active");
uint256 epochNumber = currentEpochNumber();
assert(slate.epochNumber == epochNumber);
slate.staker = staker;
slate.stake = stakeAmount;
slate.status = SlateStatus.Staked;
require(token.transferFrom(staker, address(this), stakeAmount), "Failed to transfer tokens");
Contest storage contest = ballots[slate.epochNumber].contests[slate.resource];
contest.lastStaked = now.sub(epochStart(epochNumber));
uint256 numSlates = contest.stakedSlates.length;
if (numSlates == 1) {
contest.status = ContestStatus.NoContest;
} else {
contest.status = ContestStatus.Active;
emit SlateStaked(slateID, staker, stakeAmount);
return true;
function withdrawStake(uint slateID) public returns(bool) {
require(slateID < slateCount(), "No slate exists with that slateID");
Slate memory slate = slates[slateID];
require(slate.status == SlateStatus.Accepted, "Slate has not been accepted");
require(msg.sender == slate.staker, "Only the original staker can withdraw this stake");
require(slate.stake > 0, "Stake has already been withdrawn");
slates[slateID].stake = 0;
require(token.transfer(slate.staker, slate.stake), "Failed to transfer tokens");
emit StakeWithdrawn(slateID, slate.staker, slate.stake);
return true;
function depositVoteTokens(uint numTokens) public returns(bool) {
require(isCurrentGatekeeper(), "Not current gatekeeper");
address voter = msg.sender;
require(token.balanceOf(msg.sender) >= numTokens, "Insufficient token balance");
uint originalBalance = voteTokenBalance[voter];
voteTokenBalance[voter] = originalBalance.add(numTokens);
require(token.transferFrom(voter, address(this), numTokens), "Failed to transfer tokens");
emit VotingTokensDeposited(voter, numTokens);
return true;
function withdrawVoteTokens(uint numTokens) public returns(bool) {
require(commitPeriodActive() == false, "Tokens locked during voting");
address voter = msg.sender;
uint votingRights = voteTokenBalance[voter];
require(votingRights >= numTokens, "Insufficient vote token balance");
voteTokenBalance[voter] = votingRights.sub(numTokens);
require(token.transfer(voter, numTokens), "Failed to transfer tokens");
emit VotingTokensWithdrawn(voter, numTokens);
return true;
function delegateVotingRights(address _delegate) public returns(bool) {
address voter = msg.sender;
require(voter != _delegate, "Delegate and voter cannot be equal");
delegate[voter] = _delegate;
emit VotingRightsDelegated(voter, _delegate);
return true;
function commitBallot(address voter, bytes32 commitHash, uint numTokens) public {
uint epochNumber = currentEpochNumber();
require(commitPeriodActive(), "Commit period not active");
require(didCommit(epochNumber, voter) == false, "Voter has already committed for this ballot");
require(commitHash != 0, "Cannot commit zero hash");
address committer = msg.sender;
if (committer != voter) {
require(committer == delegate[voter], "Not a delegate");
require(voteTokenBalance[voter] >= numTokens, "Insufficient tokens");
} else {
if (voteTokenBalance[voter] < numTokens) {
uint remainder = numTokens.sub(voteTokenBalance[voter]);
assert(voteTokenBalance[voter] >= numTokens);
Ballot storage ballot = ballots[epochNumber];
VoteCommitment memory commitment = VoteCommitment({
commitHash: commitHash,
numTokens: numTokens,
committed: true,
revealed: false
ballot.commitments[voter] = commitment;
emit BallotCommitted(epochNumber, committer, voter, numTokens, commitHash);
function didCommit(uint epochNumber, address voter) public view returns(bool) {
return ballots[epochNumber].commitments[voter].committed;
function getCommitHash(uint epochNumber, address voter) public view returns(bytes32) {
VoteCommitment memory v = ballots[epochNumber].commitments[voter];
require(v.committed, "Voter has not committed for this ballot");
return v.commitHash;
function revealBallot(
uint256 epochNumber,
address voter,
address[] memory resources,
uint[] memory firstChoices,
uint[] memory secondChoices,
uint salt
) public {
uint256 epochTime = now.sub(epochStart(epochNumber));
(REVEAL_PERIOD_START <= epochTime) && (epochTime < EPOCH_LENGTH),
"Reveal period not active"
require(voter != address(0), "Voter address cannot be zero");
require(resources.length == firstChoices.length, "All inputs must have the same length");
require(firstChoices.length == secondChoices.length, "All inputs must have the same length");
require(didCommit(epochNumber, voter), "Voter has not committed");
require(didReveal(epochNumber, voter) == false, "Voter has already revealed");
bytes memory buf;
uint votes = resources.length;
for (uint i = 0; i < votes; i++) {
buf = abi.encodePacked(
buf = abi.encodePacked(buf, salt);
bytes32 hashed = keccak256(buf);
Ballot storage ballot = ballots[epochNumber];
VoteCommitment memory v = ballot.commitments[voter];
require(hashed == v.commitHash, "Submitted ballot does not match commitment");
for (uint i = 0; i < votes; i++) {
address resource = resources[i];
Contest storage contest = ballot.contests[resource];
uint firstChoice = firstChoices[i];
uint secondChoice = secondChoices[i];
if (slates[firstChoice].status == SlateStatus.Staked) {
SlateVotes storage firstChoiceSlate = contest.votes[firstChoice];
contest.totalVotes = contest.totalVotes.add(v.numTokens);
uint256 newCount = firstChoiceSlate.firstChoiceVotes.add(v.numTokens);
if (firstChoice == contest.voteLeader) {
contest.leaderVotes = newCount;
} else if (newCount > contest.leaderVotes) {
contest.voteRunnerUp = contest.voteLeader;
contest.runnerUpVotes = contest.leaderVotes;
contest.voteLeader = firstChoice;
contest.leaderVotes = newCount;
} else if (newCount > contest.runnerUpVotes) {
contest.voteRunnerUp = firstChoice;
contest.runnerUpVotes = newCount;
firstChoiceSlate.firstChoiceVotes = newCount;
if (slates[secondChoice].status == SlateStatus.Staked) {
SlateVotes storage secondChoiceSlate = contest.votes[secondChoice];
secondChoiceSlate.totalSecondChoiceVotes = secondChoiceSlate.totalSecondChoiceVotes.add(v.numTokens);
firstChoiceSlate.secondChoiceVotes[secondChoice] = firstChoiceSlate.secondChoiceVotes[secondChoice].add(v.numTokens);
ballot.commitments[voter].revealed = true;
emit BallotRevealed(epochNumber, voter, v.numTokens);
function revealManyBallots(
uint256 epochNumber,
address[] memory _voters,
bytes[] memory _ballots,
uint[] memory _salts
) public {
uint numBallots = _voters.length;
_salts.length == _voters.length && _ballots.length == _voters.length,
"Inputs must have the same length"
for (uint i = 0; i < numBallots; i++) {
address[] memory resources,
uint[] memory firstChoices,
uint[] memory secondChoices
) = abi.decode(_ballots[i], (address[], uint[], uint[]));
revealBallot(epochNumber, _voters[i], resources, firstChoices, secondChoices, _salts[i]);
function getFirstChoiceVotes(uint epochNumber, address resource, uint slateID) public view returns(uint) {
SlateVotes storage v = ballots[epochNumber].contests[resource].votes[slateID];
return v.firstChoiceVotes;
function getSecondChoiceVotes(uint epochNumber, address resource, uint slateID) public view returns(uint) {
Contest storage contest = ballots[epochNumber].contests[resource];
uint numSlates = contest.stakedSlates.length;
uint votes = 0;
for (uint i = 0; i < numSlates; i++) {
uint otherSlateID = contest.stakedSlates[i];
if (otherSlateID != slateID) {
SlateVotes storage v = contest.votes[otherSlateID];
votes = votes.add(v.secondChoiceVotes[slateID]);
return votes;
function didReveal(uint epochNumber, address voter) public view returns(bool) {
return ballots[epochNumber].commitments[voter].revealed;
function finalizeContest(uint epochNumber, address resource) public {
require(isCurrentGatekeeper(), "Not current gatekeeper");
require(currentEpochNumber() > epochNumber, "Contest epoch still active");
Contest storage contest = ballots[epochNumber].contests[resource];
require(contest.status == ContestStatus.Active || contest.status == ContestStatus.NoContest,
"Either no contest is in progress for this resource, or it has been finalized");
if (contest.status == ContestStatus.NoContest) {
uint256 winningSlate = contest.stakedSlates[0];
assert(slates[winningSlate].status == SlateStatus.Staked);
contest.winner = winningSlate;
contest.status = ContestStatus.Finalized;
emit ContestAutomaticallyFinalized(epochNumber, resource, winningSlate);
if (contest.totalVotes > 0) {
uint256 winnerVotes = contest.leaderVotes;
if (winnerVotes.mul(2) > contest.totalVotes) {
contest.winner = contest.voteLeader;
contest.status = ContestStatus.Finalized;
emit VoteFinalized(epochNumber, resource, contest.winner, winnerVotes, contest.totalVotes);
} else {
emit VoteFailed(epochNumber, resource, contest.voteLeader, winnerVotes, contest.voteRunnerUp, contest.runnerUpVotes, contest.totalVotes);
_finalizeRunoff(epochNumber, resource);
} else {
contest.status = ContestStatus.Finalized;
emit ContestFinalizedWithoutWinner(epochNumber, resource);
function contestStatus(uint epochNumber, address resource) public view returns(ContestStatus) {
return ballots[epochNumber].contests[resource].status;
function contestSlates(uint epochNumber, address resource) public view returns(uint[] memory) {
return ballots[epochNumber].contests[resource].slates;
function contestDetails(uint256 epochNumber, address resource) external view
ContestStatus status,
uint256[] memory allSlates,
uint256[] memory stakedSlates,
uint256 lastStaked,
uint256 voteWinner,
uint256 voteRunnerUp,
uint256 winner
) {
Contest memory c = ballots[epochNumber].contests[resource];
status = c.status;
allSlates = c.slates;
stakedSlates = c.stakedSlates;
lastStaked = c.lastStaked;
voteWinner = c.voteLeader;
voteRunnerUp = c.voteRunnerUp;
winner = c.winner;
function _finalizeRunoff(uint epochNumber, address resource) internal {
require(isCurrentGatekeeper(), "Not current gatekeeper");
Contest storage contest = ballots[epochNumber].contests[resource];
uint voteLeader = contest.voteLeader;
uint voteRunnerUp = contest.voteRunnerUp;
SlateVotes storage leader = contest.votes[voteLeader];
SlateVotes storage runnerUp = contest.votes[voteRunnerUp];
uint256 secondChoiceVotesForLeader = leader.totalSecondChoiceVotes
uint256 secondChoiceVotesForRunnerUp = runnerUp.totalSecondChoiceVotes
uint256 leaderTotal = contest.leaderVotes.add(secondChoiceVotesForLeader);
uint256 runnerUpTotal = contest.runnerUpVotes.add(secondChoiceVotesForRunnerUp);
uint runoffWinner = 0;
uint runoffWinnerVotes = 0;
uint runoffLoser = 0;
uint runoffLoserVotes = 0;
if ((leaderTotal > runnerUpTotal) ||
((leaderTotal == runnerUpTotal) &&
(voteLeader < voteRunnerUp)
)) {
runoffWinner = voteLeader;
runoffWinnerVotes = leaderTotal;
runoffLoser = voteRunnerUp;
runoffLoserVotes = runnerUpTotal;
} else {
runoffWinner = voteRunnerUp;
runoffWinnerVotes = runnerUpTotal;
runoffLoser = voteLeader;
runoffLoserVotes = leaderTotal;
contest.winner = runoffWinner;
contest.status = ContestStatus.Finalized;
emit RunoffFinalized(epochNumber, resource, runoffWinner, runoffWinnerVotes, runoffLoser, runoffLoserVotes);
function donateChallengerStakes(uint256 epochNumber, address resource, uint256 startIndex, uint256 count) public {
Contest storage contest = ballots[epochNumber].contests[resource];
require(contest.status == ContestStatus.Finalized, "Contest is not finalized");
uint256 numSlates = contest.stakedSlates.length;
require(contest.stakesDonated != numSlates, "All stakes donated");
require(startIndex == contest.stakesDonated, "Invalid start index");
uint256 endIndex = startIndex.add(count);
require(endIndex <= numSlates, "Invalid end index");
address stakeDonationAddress = parameters.getAsAddress("stakeDonationAddress");
IDonationReceiver donationReceiver = IDonationReceiver(stakeDonationAddress);
bytes memory stakeDonationHash = "Qmepxeh4KVkyHYgt3vTjmodB5RKZgUEmdohBZ37oKXCUCm";
for (uint256 i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) {
uint256 slateID = contest.stakedSlates[i];
Slate storage slate = slates[slateID];
if (slate.status != SlateStatus.Accepted) {
uint256 donationAmount = slate.stake;
slate.stake = 0;
if (donationAmount > 0) {
token.approve(address(donationReceiver), donationAmount),
"Failed to approve Gatekeeper to spend tokens"
donationReceiver.donate(address(this), donationAmount, stakeDonationHash);
contest.stakesDonated = endIndex;
function getWinningSlate(uint epochNumber, address resource) public view returns(uint) {
Contest storage c = ballots[epochNumber].contests[resource];
require(c.status == ContestStatus.Finalized, "Vote is not finalized yet");
return c.winner;
function requestPermission(bytes memory metadataHash) public returns(uint) {
require(isCurrentGatekeeper(), "Not current gatekeeper");
require(metadataHash.length > 0, "metadataHash cannot be empty");
address resource = msg.sender;
uint256 epochNumber = currentEpochNumber();
require(slateSubmissionPeriodActive(resource), "Submission period not active");
uint256 expirationTime = epochStart(epochNumber.add(2));
Request memory r = Request({
metadataHash: metadataHash,
resource: resource,
approved: false,
expirationTime: expirationTime,
epochNumber: epochNumber
uint requestID = requestCount();
emit PermissionRequested(epochNumber, resource, requestID, metadataHash);
return requestID;
function acceptSlate(uint slateID) private {
Slate storage s = slates[slateID];
s.status = SlateStatus.Accepted;
if (incumbent[s.resource] != s.recommender) {
incumbent[s.resource] = s.recommender;
uint[] memory requestIDs = s.requests;
for (uint i = 0; i < requestIDs.length; i++) {
uint requestID = requestIDs[i];
requests[requestID].approved = true;
function hasPermission(uint requestID) public view returns(bool) {
return requests[requestID].approved && now < requests[requestID].expirationTime;
function slateCount() public view returns(uint256) {
return slates.length;
function requestCount() public view returns (uint256) {
return requests.length;
function slateSubmissionDeadline(uint256 epochNumber, address resource) public view returns(uint256) {
Contest memory contest = ballots[epochNumber].contests[resource];
uint256 offset = (contest.lastStaked.add(COMMIT_PERIOD_START)).div(2);
return epochStart(epochNumber).add(offset);
function slateSubmissionPeriodActive(address resource) public view returns(bool) {
uint256 epochNumber = currentEpochNumber();
uint256 start = epochStart(epochNumber).add(SLATE_SUBMISSION_PERIOD_START);
uint256 end = slateSubmissionDeadline(epochNumber, resource);
return (start <= now) && (now < end);
function commitPeriodActive() private view returns(bool) {
uint256 epochTime = now.sub(epochStart(currentEpochNumber()));
return (COMMIT_PERIOD_START <= epochTime) && (epochTime < REVEAL_PERIOD_START);
function isCurrentGatekeeper() public view returns(bool) {
return parameters.getAsAddress("gatekeeperAddress") == address(this);
contract TokenCapacitor is IDonationReceiver {
event ProposalCreated(
uint256 proposalID,
address indexed proposer,
uint requestID,
address indexed recipient,
uint tokens,
bytes metadataHash
event TokensWithdrawn(uint proposalID, address indexed to, uint numTokens);
event BalancesUpdated(
uint unlockedBalance,
uint lastLockedBalance,
uint lastLockedTime,
uint totalBalance
using SafeMath for uint;
ParameterStore public parameters;
IERC20 public token;
struct Proposal {
address gatekeeper;
uint256 requestID;
uint tokens;
address to;
bytes metadataHash;
bool withdrawn;
Proposal[] public proposals;
uint256 public constant SCALE = 10 ** 12;
uint256[12] decayMultipliers;
uint256 constant MAX_UPDATE_DAYS = 4095;
uint256 constant ONE_DAY_SECONDS = 86400;
uint256 public unlockedBalance;
uint256 public lastLockedBalance;
uint256 public lastLockedTime;
uint256 public lifetimeReleasedTokens;
constructor(ParameterStore _parameters, IERC20 _token, Gatekeeper _currentGatekeeper, uint256 initialUnlockedBalance) public {
require(address(_parameters) != address(0), "Parameter store address cannot be zero");
parameters = _parameters;
require(address(_token) != address(0), "Token address cannot be zero");
token = _token;
require(address(_currentGatekeeper) != address(0), "Gatekeeper address cannot be zero");
decayMultipliers[0] = 999524050675;
decayMultipliers[1] = 999048327879;
decayMultipliers[2] = 998097561438;
decayMultipliers[3] = 996198742149;
decayMultipliers[4] = 992411933860;
decayMultipliers[5] = 984881446469;
decayMultipliers[6] = 969991463599;
decayMultipliers[7] = 940883439455;
decayMultipliers[8] = 885261646641;
decayMultipliers[9] = 783688183013;
decayMultipliers[10] = 614167168195;
decayMultipliers[11] = 377201310488;
unlockedBalance = initialUnlockedBalance;
lastLockedTime = _currentGatekeeper.startTime();
lastLockedTime = lastLockedTime.add(_adjustedElapsedTime(now));
function _gatekeeper() private view returns(Gatekeeper) {
return Gatekeeper(parameters.getAsAddress("gatekeeperAddress"));
function _createProposal(Gatekeeper gatekeeper, address to, uint tokens, bytes memory metadataHash) internal returns(uint256) {
require(metadataHash.length > 0, "metadataHash cannot be empty");
Proposal memory p = Proposal({
gatekeeper: address(gatekeeper),
requestID: 0,
tokens: tokens,
to: to,
metadataHash: metadataHash,
withdrawn: false
uint requestID = gatekeeper.requestPermission(metadataHash);
p.requestID = requestID;
uint proposalID = proposalCount();
emit ProposalCreated(proposalID, msg.sender, requestID, to, tokens, metadataHash);
return proposalID;
function createProposal(address to, uint tokens, bytes calldata metadataHash) external returns(uint) {
Gatekeeper gatekeeper = _gatekeeper();
return _createProposal(gatekeeper, to, tokens, metadataHash);
function createManyProposals(
address[] calldata beneficiaries,
uint[] calldata tokenAmounts,
bytes[] calldata metadataHashes
) external {
beneficiaries.length == tokenAmounts.length && tokenAmounts.length == metadataHashes.length,
"All inputs must have the same length"
Gatekeeper gatekeeper = _gatekeeper();
for (uint i = 0; i < beneficiaries.length; i++) {
address to = beneficiaries[i];
uint tokens = tokenAmounts[i];
bytes memory metadataHash = metadataHashes[i];
_createProposal(gatekeeper, to, tokens, metadataHash);
function withdrawTokens(uint proposalID) public returns(bool) {
require(proposalID < proposalCount(), "Invalid proposalID");
Proposal memory p = proposals[proposalID];
Gatekeeper gatekeeper = Gatekeeper(p.gatekeeper);
require(gatekeeper.hasPermission(p.requestID), "Proposal has not been approved");
require(p.withdrawn == false, "Tokens have already been withdrawn for this proposal");
proposals[proposalID].withdrawn = true;
require(unlockedBalance >= p.tokens, "Insufficient unlocked tokens");
unlockedBalance = unlockedBalance.sub(p.tokens);
lifetimeReleasedTokens = lifetimeReleasedTokens.add(p.tokens);
require(token.transfer(p.to, p.tokens), "Failed to transfer tokens");
emit TokensWithdrawn(proposalID, p.to, p.tokens);
return true;
function donate(address donor, uint tokens, bytes memory metadataHash) public returns(bool) {
require(tokens > 0, "Cannot donate zero tokens");
address payer = msg.sender;
lastLockedBalance = lastLockedBalance.add(tokens);
require(token.transferFrom(payer, address(this), tokens), "Failed to transfer tokens");
emit Donation(payer, donor, tokens, metadataHash);
return true;
function projectedUnlockedBalance(uint256 time) public view returns(uint256) {
uint256 futureUnlocked = lastLockedBalance.sub(projectedLockedBalance(time));
return unlockedBalance.add(futureUnlocked);
function projectedLockedBalance(uint256 time) public view returns(uint256) {
require(time >= lastLockedTime, "Time cannot be before last locked");
uint256 elapsedTime = time.sub(lastLockedTime);
uint256 decayFactor = calculateDecay(elapsedTime.div(ONE_DAY_SECONDS));
return lastLockedBalance.mul(decayFactor).div(SCALE);
function calculateDecay(uint256 _days) public view returns(uint256) {
require(_days <= MAX_UPDATE_DAYS, "Time interval too large");
uint256 decay = SCALE;
uint256 d = _days;
for (uint256 i = 0; i < decayMultipliers.length; i++) {
uint256 remainder = d % 2;
uint256 quotient = d >> 1;
if (remainder == 1) {
uint256 multiplier = decayMultipliers[i];
decay = decay.mul(multiplier).div(SCALE);
} else if (quotient == 0) {
d = quotient;
return decay;
function _updateBalancesUntil(uint256 time) internal {
require(time <= now, "No future updates");
uint256 totalBalance = token.balanceOf(address(this));
uint256 elapsedTime = _adjustedElapsedTime(time);
assert(elapsedTime % ONE_DAY_SECONDS == 0);
uint256 nextLockedTime = lastLockedTime.add(elapsedTime);
uint256 newLockedBalance = projectedLockedBalance(nextLockedTime);
assert(newLockedBalance <= lastLockedBalance);
unlockedBalance = lastLockedBalance.sub(newLockedBalance).add(unlockedBalance);
lastLockedBalance = totalBalance.sub(unlockedBalance);
lastLockedTime = nextLockedTime;
emit BalancesUpdated(unlockedBalance, lastLockedBalance, nextLockedTime, totalBalance);
function updateBalances() public {
uint256 timeLeft = now.sub(lastLockedTime);
uint256 daysLeft = timeLeft.div(ONE_DAY_SECONDS);
if (daysLeft > MAX_UPDATE_DAYS) {
uint256 chunks = daysLeft.div(MAX_UPDATE_DAYS);
uint256 chunkDuration = MAX_UPDATE_DAYS.mul(ONE_DAY_SECONDS);
for (uint256 i = 0; i < chunks; i++) {
function proposalCount() public view returns(uint256) {
return proposals.length;
function _adjustedElapsedTime(uint256 time) private view returns(uint256) {
uint256 elapsedTime = time.sub(lastLockedTime);
return elapsedTime.sub(elapsedTime.mod(ONE_DAY_SECONDS));