The Tenebris Mountains of Castar are a cold and inhospitable place, home to only the most evil creatures. Yet, these lands are also rumored to hide incalculable riches. Gold, gems, and other precious minerals are there for those brave enough to venture into the darkness. In search of riches and fame, many a fool have ventured in, never to be seen again. With only echoes of their blood curdling screams ever returning serving as a warning of the horrors that lie beyond.
These mist covered rocky peaks are inhabited by evil, where cruel species feeding off the darkness surrounding them and anyone foolhardy enough to venture in. Unrivaled in their sadistic ways, one such species, the Goblins, have made this their stronghold. Fueled by greed, they spend their days stripping their mountains for all their worth. Digging deeper and deeper in search of the coveted Castonium. The goblins believed this mineral granted them special powers, and a ferocity that makes them nearly invincible on the battlefield. This most sacred treasure is kept deep in the center of Hornock Mountain where the Goblin King and his most fierce warriors ferociously guard countless crates brimming with their most sacred treasure.
The first 500 people that purchase one of our first set of NFTs will be awarded a founders crate. This crate will give founders many benefits in the future of Castar. As a founder you will be given Castar legend status in our discord. On top of this you will have access to in game upgrades once the Castar Metaverse is complete. Join the adventure and secure your spot in NFT history as a part of the first story based NFT.