The Blue Veil is best known for its geometric structure and ritualistic use in events such as the Cold Seance, Underveil Sightings, and Blind Wanderings. This flower has many stages: its birth stage, its flowering stage, and its mature or “fuse” stage.
When matured to its fuse state, the Blue Veil can create a welcome symbiotic relationship with its host. Benefits to the host include an ability to engage with the underveil (see note 1) through CLEAR VEIN™ technology, which allows the flower’s roots to merge with the veins of the host (seen here). This allows the Blue Veil to release a steady drip of translucent fluid into the host, which can affect the skin of the host over time. Benefits enjoyed by the flower include a longevity of lifespan, and an ability to travel without rooting to its typically immobile substrate (often a rotting tree). This allows the flower to spread its jewel-like seeds near and far. The prominent seeds of the Blue Veil can be seen growing from the ends of stalks which resemble thread-like appendages. These stalks twist evenly into a spherical form (mimicking that of the crystallized sphere), with fleshy thin leaves that radiate up from the base of tendrils that allow the plant to soak in nutrients from the air. Negative consequences experienced by hosts are often debated, but some rituals associated with the flower-host relationship—such as the Blind Wandering—can result in hosts getting injured or killed, or simply disappearing.
1. It has been argued that the underveil has never existed, since sightings of the underveil reveal other flora only to those with CLEAR VEIN™ linkage, and it has been hypothesized that these are ecstatic hallucinations caused by linkage and not in fact sightings into other worlds.