Remaining playful always is key!
Stephan Breuer's innocent act of re-framing opens the question of our expanding relationship to the virtual. Through a metaphysical representation of gamification, Breuer looks at the softwares that have been developed for social media, and video games that have triggered multiple stimuli and a universal need for instant gratification.
Breuer's juxtaposition of ancient precious renaissance frames and iconic video games give a naïve approach like in painting and awakens the wide-eyed child in all of us. Breuer's work is hyper-conceptual and ludic, art is not rigid it is in constant flux, the way the kid in us is forever curious and free in recomposing our realities.
Breuer’s NFT collection "Eternal Games" is asking if digital art on the blockchain is just an ephemeral game for the privileged, are we trapped in a simulation, or will this emerging technology profoundly re-frame our relationship to art and to reality?