A gift of gratitude to my fellow artists and the people who helped me launch the "Current Affairs" project on Deca. The Deca team has accepted this gift into the Deca Eternal Collection of Art (DECA).
@DianeeLindo - artist; @DocT___ - artist; @DolcePaganne - artist; @Elisprii - artist; @Gavinmeeler - artist; @kingxerox5 - artist; @MattScobel - artist; @SkifeHam - artist; @XkissEth artist
@efereum - writer at Deca; @bonafidehan - founder of Deca; @pravijn - manager at Deca; @BoonaETH - for his faith in my work and support; @RogerDickerman - for his faith in my work and support;
The physical and 1 edition is gifted to @CyborgNomad who won "Current Affairs" 1/1 in auction.