Attending an air show in her late teens, Amelia was immediately fascinated with air travel. Defying suffocating conventional pressures, she pursued her dream and took her first lesson in 1921. Given the rickety nature of early planes, this was a courageous path to follow. Eventually she purchased her first bright yellow plane and named it "The Canary", which she used to set many records. Ultimately, she became the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic. She followed this as the first woman to fly solo from Honolulu to California. On July 2, 1937, while attempting to become the first woman to circumnavigate the earth, Amelia perished. In her last transmission, after indicating she was short of fuel on the most difficult leg of the journey, Earhart reported, “We are running north and south.” Nothing further was heard from her. Gone too soon, we thank you Amelia for taking to the skies, paving the way for many women to follow. Original piece is charcoal and oil on a 5ft tall canvas.