𝙲𝙾𝚄𝙽𝚃𝙴𝚁𝙵𝙴𝙸𝚃 $𝙰𝙸𝙽𝚃$ 𝙸: A reflection on where we began, what we've done, and where we're going.
This photograph was one of the first images taken during a photoshoot with my brother '$AINT GEIST.' An image from that shoot would later turn into the '$AINT$' collection. A collection that has changed everything for me. When this image was taken, I didn't know what NFTs really were, nor did I have my purpose. It was peak covid. My business had just blown up. And I was just trying to find my way.
Fast forward to the present day, 2/18/23. We have 169 OG $AINT$ on STX with 92 unique owners. We have grown gmRH to have 1069+ collectors across the various studies, missions, and chains. And if you told me when I took this original image, that just a few years later we'd be here, I'd ask you for a hit of whatever fake drugs I had just $usscribed. You have all truly changed my life and given this journey such rich purpose.
Since $AINT$ launched back in Oct of '21, we've collaborated with 96+ artists around the world (in $AINT$ and other Dr. $ collections). We've given back $12,000+ to charity and another $16,000+ back to emerging artists just through KEK WIN$ Editions - not counting primary 1/1 collabs. Some of the artists we've worked with live in countries where the average monthly salary is $150-200 USD. Put simply - we changed their lives because of you.
But it has not all been dubs, bossman. The whole world of Dr. $ and $AINT$ was born from the ashes. From zero. No followers, no frens, no money. Bringing Dr. $ and $AINT$ to life, gave me life at my lowest. Once I found 'it' there was nothing that could stand in my way that could stop me from seeing this through. And slowly but surely over a 1.5yr grind as Dr. $ - then all at once. In Jan of '23 it finally felt like 'Holy $h*t lads..we're really doing it..is this fr?!' Drops selling out immediately. Gas wars. Breaking manifold once or twice. From 1900 to 2950 followers in a few weeks. The best month of my life. Years of showing up everyday with the fake vibes and it was all coming together.
And then, from left field, twitter pulls the rug from under the doc. Account permanently suspended - Dr. $uss as he was known and growing is no more. Back to zero we go.
This isn't a sob story or cope. This is a reminder to myself to be grateful for the suffering. As my suffering isn't even CLOSE to that of many who I am privileged to work with. A reminder that this beautiful thing called gmRH, $AINT$, KEK WIN$, etc -- it was all born from the very rock bottom of my journey which we managed to turn into something I could only dream of. I didn't quit then and I sure as hell am not quitting now.
Yes I got canceled and the main channel of my livelihood was stolen from me with zero explanation (I'm sure I'll get the OG @iamdrsuss acct back). But the larger life lesson I've taken is louder than the immediate noise. I have to remind myself that I went from zero to 'is this real life?' in a few years. We're back at 'zero' but this is a much, much different zero.
Now I've got TONS of frens, support, memeologists - all fighting with me. I've got multiple proven collections. And despite the significant setback, I couldn't be more optimistic about the comeback that is upon us. If I had to start over (this isn't really a restart obviously), I really couldn't ask for a better position to restart from.
Bottom line - I'm grateful as fuck for you all. If you were airdropped this, you're as OG as it gets. The fundamental core of keeping me pushing forward from zero to $uss af & from $uss af to 'zero-ish'.
United We Meme. Divided We Fall.
Much love,
Dr. $
PS - This work also lives as an ORDINAL 1/1, inscribed on BTC, within the [𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚏𝚎𝚒𝚝 𝚌𝚞𝚕𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚎](https://twitter.com/counterfeitcvlt) initiative. You can see it [here.](https://ordinals.com/inscription/44954b5c46b7e5656b0e4bbe5fca8a0f2fe569d86c2dc0330dbaf1e3ea4da1f0i0)
PPS - This particular 1/1 is not for sale unless it can retire me a few times over.