<h2>Macworld Fractal #9:</h2><h2>Blue Spiral (1989), (Chromatic Pulse #5, 2022)</h2><p><i>- MacWorld ’93 (Boston and Toronto) Official T-shirt</i></p><p><strong>Vintage Fractals</strong> once featured in the Official T-shirts of the <strong>Macworld Conventions of ’92, ’93 and ’94</strong> are revisited by Roberto Azank in his new “<strong>Chromatic Pulses</strong>”.</p><p>This is a new technique that Roberto has been using as a <strong>new artistic medium</strong>, where he explores the Chromatic Spectrum of his own compositions, including his oil paintings as well as his vintage Fractals. <a href="https://www.robertoazank.com/fractals-1989-1990"><i><strong>Visit them here</strong></i></a></p><p><strong>“Macworld Fractals”</strong> NFT collection features Chromatic Pulses based on the “Fractal Generation” collection which helped make a name for <strong>Fractal Art</strong>, a new term back in 1989. The collection consists of unique 1001 NFTs. This one is #9.</p><p>The NFT includes a private HD file.</p><p>Copyright details: The buyer can use this image in any way and for any purpose, as long as credit is given to the artist in any commercial reproductions. Thanks</p>