サクヤ 忍者の末裔 TAGの諜報員。変装の達人。幼いころに両親を亡くし、セブンに育てられる。きなこ、わらび餅が好き(祖母の影響)相方は犬(忍術が使える犬)
夜は東京銀座にある高級店「BAR オホーツク」でバイトしながら情報収集している
Sakuya, descendant of a ninja, TAG agent. A master of disguise. Lost his parents when he was young and was raised by Seven. Loves kinako (soybean flour) and warabimochi (influenced by his grandmother), and his partner is a dog (a dog that can use ninjutsu).
At night, he works part-time at "Bar Okhotsk," a high-class restaurant in Ginza, Tokyo, while gathering information