Bunker Chronicles Volume 2

Bunker Chronicles Volume 2


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Bunker Chronicles Volume 2 7

2171 - Black Suits’ Fortress “Hey, Swan,” exclaims a guard, “you have new cellmates!” The cell is opened, and two new prisoners are led inside. Swan recognizes two familiar faces: they are Harry and Cheeta. None of the three can believe their eyes; awe and wonder fill the atmosphere. After a warm hug, Swan starts telling his long tale of what had happened to him and the terrible, strange events that occur in that fortress. Harry, in turn, recounts everything that transpired in the bunker, their encounter with the Black Suits, and their subsequent capture. Days pass, and the Black Suits take Cheeta and Harry's precious blood. Two patients, GONS #1670, also known as Julius, and Sloth, the giant Gorilla who caused chaos in the cafeteria days earlier, are transferred to the cell opposite theirs. After general introductions, Swan suggests an escape plan. The group likes the idea; no one wants to spend an extra day in that awful place, so it's worth a try. Night falls. The prisoners know that there's less surveillance and attention at this time. Julius and Sloth, following the plan, fake a fight to attract the two on-duty guards. One of them, armed with a stun gun, enters the cell to try to quell the two brawlers, while the other remains outside with his back turned to Harry's cell. Taking advantage of the distraction, Cheeta skillfully extends one of her blue tentacles out of the bars and snatches the cell keys hanging from the guard's belt. Once the theatrics are over, everything returns to normal, and the guards resume their posts. After a few hours, the prisoners leave their cells and sneak undetected into the guards' room, knocking them out without triggering any alarms. Then, they retrieve a few gas masks from the lockers and head to the canteen. Behind the canteen is a large stockroom with a garbage chute leading directly outside the fortress. The shaft is large enough for all the escapees to pass through, allowing them to flee unnoticed. They quickly take the road to the northeastern mountains, the least guarded area, hoping to find temporary shelter. Upon reaching the base of a hill, they spot two guards patrolling and quickly hide behind some bushes. Sloth, with his clumsy and noisy steps, attracts the guards' attention. At that moment, he pounces on them before they can react. During the scuffle, one of the Black Suits delivers a powerful blow to Sloth's head, breaking his mask. Sloth hurls the black suit into the air with a powerful and extremely violent horn blast, while the rest of the group manages to neutralize the second guard. However, no one celebrates! An icy silence descends because everyone knows that Sloth has inhaled the contaminated gas. They continue their escape until they reach the top of the hill when Swan alerts the group by shouting, “Look out, more guards!” Sloth is furious! He gets into an attack position and prepares to lash out at everything and everyone, but Harry cries out in surprise, “No! They're our brothers!” Under those yellow suits indeed are John, Reese, and Luke, searching for their comrades. The general exhilaration passes quickly because everyone knows they're not yet safe and must find shelter immediately. By now, it's late morning, and the group heads for the mountains to go around them and resume the path to the bunker. Sloth is in bad shape but still manages to keep going; he seems quite resistant to the viruses. His strength continues to astonish everyone.
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