A Forbes Virtual NFT Billionaire is a fictional, virtual investor, with an enormous imaginary portfolio with a virtual net worth based on live New York Stock Exchange pricing, fabulous hobbies, and an eccentric Forbes accessory. Each NFT Billionaire will be ranked daily on the Forbes Virtual NFT Billionaires List.
Forbes Virtual NFT Billionaires will have their own profile page on Forbes.com featuring a custom illustrated headshot by Goodog & ItsACat, a group of 2D and 3D illustrators and animators based in Barcelona.
If you own one of these Forbes Virtual NFT Billionaire ERC-721 tokens your public wallet address will be shown as the current owner of the NFT in that same ranked list!
Legal Documentation: https://www.forbes.com/terms/virtual-nft-billionaires/
List Page: https://www.forbes.com/virtual-nft-billionaires/